forty-nine: leo gets whammied and aruna is a little scary

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leo had never lost his shit quite the way he was losing his shit now.

he did not like this for a second. as of now, massive-bald-eagle frank was holding leo's hands by the talons, flying through the air alongside blond superman, jason. leo was kicking his feet under him, his arms above his head as he swung dangerously. he let out vile streams of cursing in both english and spanish, interrupted by occasional loud screams.

there were romans all over the sky, and leo, like an idiot, yelled several vile taunts in both languages, despite the way that one arrow, and it was over. a roman flying chariot started to dive straight for them, and even with his messy hair in his eyes, leo was freaking out.


both jason and frank managed to veer out of their way before they were hit, pulling up to avoid getting hit by the pegasi.

unfortunately, the charioteers fired their bows.

arrows whistled under leo's feet, so close he could feel the ripple of air. he screamed again and pulled his feet up, completely terrified.

"FRANK, FASTER!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. frank, apparently forgetting eagles can't speak, looked down at leo and shrieked back, which caused a ringing in leo's ear.

"o-ow..." leo groaned. he didn't care for the american spirit all that much, he realized.

another arrow flew by, this time, nicking his earlobe slightly. leo screamed again, saying more and more bad things that would have earned a week of punishments from aunt rosa.

unfortunately, because of all the arrows and evil charioteers, the boys were forced to overshoot the argo II.

leo looked down at his ship, his eyes wildly scanning for aruna. he would not leave charleston without knowing she was safe. even without her pristine eyesight, he couldn't see her form on the ship, even though he saw the three other girls.

what else did he see?

coach hedge firing the port ballista, despite annabeth chasing after him.

a flaming spear rocketed toward the chariot. leo gaped in shock, his heart lunging nervously. it exploded over the heads of the pegasi, making them flail in panic. unfortunately, it also singed frank's wing, and he screeched in pain as he began to spiral out of control, and leo slipped from his grasp. the chariot shot toward fort sumter, and whacked jason in the process.

"NOT COOL, MAN! NOT COOL AT ALL, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" leo screamed as he fell. jason, dazed and in pain, with another head injury, managed to lunge and catch leo.

"bro, you okay?" jason groaned as he held leo by the waist, struggling to gain altitude.

"uh, yeah? not gonna lie man, this is really intimate right now. maybe, like, hold my arms or something, not my slutty little waist-"

"leo, shut up!" jason yelled, though he managed to laugh through it. from the ship, they heard piper shriek "COACH!" in anger.

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