six: 1860s gals were lit

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we stopped in front of a solid, limestone wall much to steep for festus to climb. he lifted a front leg, and pointed at it.

"what is it?" leo slid off, and held out his hands for me to join in. i slid down, letting him catch me before promptly dropping me about two feet. he dusted off his hands and i looked at grease handprints on my camp half-blood shirt.

i didn't mind. my experience here could be summarized by crash landing, cleaning toilets, and being shunned. i didn't feel very at home here.

"it's not going to move out of your way." leo said.

"no shit." i said.

"shush." leo waved me off. the audacity!

"oi, you slut-"

leo stepped forward before i could slap him. he placed a hand on the wall, and suddenly, his fingers smoldered. lines of fire spread from his fingertips in little zips of orange across the limestone. they raced until they outlined a door.

i stumbled nervously, as did leo, and the door swung open with an erie silence.

"perfectly balanced. that's some first rate engineering." leo said to me.

the dragon marched inside like one does after a long day of school.

leo and i looked at each other, shrugged, and walked in after festus.

the doors closed behind us, and i felt a rush of panic which was only amplified by leo's. i felt my heart rising in my throat, and a shuttering sound made me jolt.

a mixture of fluorescent lights and torches ignited, illuminated the vast cavern. it was about the size of an airplane hangar, with endless worktables littered everywhere. they were filled with endless tools; drills, saws, hammers, wrenches. anything you could think of. above us, catwalks lined the entire ceiling. the walls had various sheets of metal, and all stound i saw swords, armor, and shields clearly built for war, but only very fee had experienced it. bulletin boards full of blueprints for random things i couldn't quite make out.

festus marched to a large, circular platform, and promptly sat. above it, i saw old banners that read bunker 9 in greek.

"do the other kids know..." leo stopped himself. based on the levels of dust in this place, it was virtually unknown.

i walked to a map that intrigued me. it was a battle map, with strategies littered all over it. i vaguely recognized it, and looked at the date in the corner.

"1864." i said as i turned to leo and pointed at the date.

"no way." he spluttered in amazement. his eyes landed on something, and i felt his spirit change instantly. i ran over to join him, eyeing down a blueprint of what looked like...

a flying boat?

"i-i've seen this before." leo told me.


"in my dreams! i-i drew this all the time as a kid! look, even the dragon figurehead!" he said as he shoved the paper in my face and pointed to the dragon on it.

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