seventy: leo is a chemical badass and aruna loves it

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jason didn't show. maybe he was still tangled in the neptune fountain, swinging around a godly groin. maybe he was scouring the maze of streets that made up bologna. maybe jason stopped at a cafe and decided to get a quick snack.

nobody else from the ship came to help. maybe they were taking forever to get the pink rubber bands out of hedge's hair. maybe they were all trying to cure nico. maybe they decided aruna, leo, and jason would be fine without them.

that meant aruna had three weapons- a comically large lolipop (which she had decided to share with leo), leo's chemical ball, and leo himself.

"what's our plan?"

leo stared blankly at aruna and she raised an eyebrow.

"babe, english or spanish, por favor?"

aruna frowned. "what did i say?"

"korean, a language i do not speak." leo replied.

"oh. what's our plan?" aruna said, this time in english.

"you distract thing one and thing two, and i will make them go boom." leo said. aruna nodded confidently. "in short, let's fuck shit up."

he gave her a fistbump, and they ran for the tower. they swung around the side, surveying it carefully. aruna knocked three times on the stone and looked at leo.

"okay, hold my hand." she said.

leo was frightened. "um. what if we fall?"

"then we will crack our heads and bleed out."

leo took her hand.

easily, they stepped onto the side of the building. leo seemed breathless as they walked up with the same ease as walking down the street. he looked at the sideways world all around him, his hand firmly gripping aruna's. aruna remained concentrated as they walked up.

"what do you think the mortals are seeing?" leo asked curiously.

"probably a very large bug." aruna replied. suddenly, she stopped before a window at the very top with a grate on it. she dug her knife out of her pocket and carefully popped the grate open, peering inside curiously.

"that looks kind of small." leo admitted.

"no, we can make it." aruna said as she turned to him. "it's narrow, but only about two feet long. if you get stuck, i can curb stomp you, though..." she looked to his waist, and then to hers. "i don't think it'll be a problem."

leo looked to his waist with a frown. "damn, kind of sad that my girl's waist is the size of mine."

"my dick is also bigger than yours. now, get in."

leo handed aruna the bag of junk, but held onto the archimedes sphere. still holding onto her hand, leo slipped into the room. with a soft thud, aruna followed him. he barely caught her, his hands holding her comfortably. he smiled kindly at her before both began to survey the room.

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