five: i narrowly don't die via metal dragon

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it didn't take long for chiron to summon me and send everyone else away.

i used my new silver cloak to cover my face. i snuffed out the once flaming torch, though i still chose to carry it with me.

as i walked, campers seemed to be backing away out of fear. one look at my crown, or my cloak, or my torch made them lower their voices to hushed whispers, and they squeaked to one another as they scurried off as field mice do.

i looked down at my stolen shoes. just when i thought i could be normal. that i could have friends, eat dinner with someone other than pipes, enjoy my life with a glorious circle- however small- of friends like me.

evidently, i had asked for too much.

once again i was cast to the side. once again, people were looking at me like i was a bomb that, when set off, would blast anyone within a five mile radius.

again, this had happened to me.

there was the time when i beat macey mayhew to a bloody pulp in the third grade. she had been bullying my only friend- a fourth grader named louis- to the point that he didn't want to come to school anymore.

so i fixed that.

another time, of course, was when my dad committed suicide and my grandpa was killed. all of my family dirt was outed, and nobody wanted to be near me. they all cast me aside, like i would cut them if they come to close.

but they were wrong. that was a time when i needed nothing more than a friend.

now, i can't tell if i need caffeine, to sleep for seventeen hours, a slap to the face, or a hug.

chiron led me into the big house, which was a giant, four story tall, blue farmhouse that frankly, i wouldn't mind growing old in someday.

"so um." i said nervously as chiron miraculously folded his lower half into a wheelchair. i had too much on my mind to have questioned it.

"y'know, i spent a lot of time sleeping in school... but aren't titans bad?" i asked as chiron pointed to the sofa across from him.

"i wish things were that simple." chiron sighed. "let's look at it from this viewpoint- germans were viewed as bad in world war II, correct?"

i nodded.

"but do you really think that all germans were bad?"

i shrugged, seemingly understanding where he was going with this.

"for the most part, the titans were ruthless rulers." chiron explained. "they constantly fought one another, and viewed mortals as... insignificant, lest they not be a source of comedy via torture or death."

i gulped.

"but, like all bad groups, you can still find the good." chiron sighed. "selene was a titan, yes. but, she wasn't a very bad one. as a matter of fact, she was kinder to mortals than some of the others, such as atlas."

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