twenty-two: oh my

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i shook awake at the sound of sleet pounding the helicopter. when i had fallen asleep, i'm not sure. but, it did me no good- i slept in a funky position and now had a killer neck cramp.

i groaned as i tenderly massaged the area. piper scooted forward, her head close to mine.

"an ice storm? is it supposed to be this cold in sonoma?" she asked. leo looked uncertain as he concentrated on keeping us aloft.

jason shot up, and scooted forward, hanging on to the seats for balance. "we've got to be getting close."

"gah, you think?" i croaked as i stretched.

"someone's a grumpy napper." piper teased.

"i'm grumpy because my neck is cramping and it sounds like a gun range outside." i replied. leo was too busy wrestling the stick to reply. the wind was whipping all around us, making the whole machine shudder.

i snapped fully awake and sat forward. below us, the ground was a dark patchwork of trees and fog. soon, however, it wasn't very below us. we lost altitude rapidly, and leo yanked the stick, just clearing the treetops.

"there!" jason shouted.

a small valley opened up before us, with the murky shape of a ruined building in the middle. lights flashed all around us, and the sound of trees cracking and exploding reverberated throughout the helicopter. the machine lurched unnaturally, bobbing up and down in a way that wasn't very good for my stomach.

leo set the copter down in an icy field about fifty or so yards from the house. all around us, murky shapes moved through the fog. i could hear the ongoing battle all around us.

leo started to relax until i screamed, and started swatting at everyone. piper and leo joined in my unintelligible screaming as jason kicked a door open just as a dark shape hurtled towards us out of the mist.

"OUT!" leo screamed.

we all leaped from the helicopter, barely getting away before it exploded. before i could grab anyone, they all fell, kicking ice and mud all over themselves due to the shockwaves.

i squinted. the icy air was stinging by eyes and knows, whipping at my face with such ferocity. leo shakily got up, and together we stared at the wrecked helicopter.

the world's largest snowball had flattened it. a chunk of snow, ice and dirt the size of a garage just crumbled the stolen helicopter like a soda can.

"you all right?" jason ran up to us, piper at his side. they had snow and mud speckled on them, but not as much as leo did.


"yeah." leo shivered. "guess we owe that ranger lady a new helicopter."

"with what funds?" i snorted. leo sighed and shrugged, seemingly understanding my point.

piper pointed south. "the fighting's over there... no, it's all around us."

she was right. the sounds of combat rang all across the valley. my vision was obscurred, making me more uncomfortable than ever before. usually, my vision is stellar, even in the dark. nothing can hide from me.

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