Chapter 19

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The show last night was incredible and today we had the day off. Unlucky for me, I was sick so I couldn't really do anything. Marilyn had told me he didn't want me to get up off of the sofa once, only if I needed the toilet or wanted to be sick. Other than that, he said he would get anything I needed. I was proud to call him my father.

"Do you need anything? Something to eat, a drink, a film maybe?" He asked walking back into the room.

"No" I said quietly.

"What's wrong?" He asked taking a seat next to me.

"I'm just overwhelmed"


"I finally have the missing puzzle piece that I have needed all my life" I explained.

"And who or what is this missing puzzle piece?"

"You" I blurted out. A smile grew onto his face and he held me tightly, I held onto him just as tightly. I wouldn't let anything or anyone take him away from me, not now that I had him in my life. Ever since I was born I always felt left out because of all the friends I hd, they had both parents, I had just the one, but not now.



"Why didn't you run off or say you didn't want me when my mum told you I was your daughter?" I questioned. He sighed and sat back.

"Because, I knew you was different. I knew you was like me. I had a feeling that I would regret not wanting to get to know my daughter, but I'm glad I did get to know you. Willow, you are everything I could ever want in a child" he told me, I felt tears of happiness begin to form in my eyes. "You better be grateful because I'm never this soppy or nice!" He added. I laughed and hugged him tightly again. My stomach made a gargling sound and we both looked at each other.

"I needa-"

"Bathroom is that way" he told me and pointed into the direction of the bathroom.

--------------Marilyn's P.O.V-----------
I watched as she raced into the bathroom. I still couldn't believe what Anthony had done to her, it was eating me up alive. I needed to do something shout it and fast, I just hope this tour will go quick. How could aj and not see that Willow was uncomfortable around him! A thought clicked into my head and it was perfect. I would ask when I got home, there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity.

I heard Willow in the bathroom and shook my head. I got up and walked over to the door before knocking on it lightly.

"Yeah?" She answered before puking again.

"You ok?"

"I'm good!" She replied.

I walked away, leaving her to do her business. I poured some strawberry flavoured water into a glass and set it on the coffee table before walking over to the toaster and putting two slices of toast in. I wanted her to try and eat and drink something, ever if it meant just eating the smallest bit. I would never let my child go without eating, even if it was I just for one day.

She finally emerged from the bathroom and cuddled back into her blanket, by the time she had finished the toast was done any way, I set the plate down in front of her, next to the water and planted myself next to her. She looked at the plate in confusion and then looked at me.

"Please try and eat it" I begged her, she nodded and picked up one of the slices. I turned on the TV and we both sat watching a film.

The others had returned from going out and they where making a lot of noise. I looked down on my lap to see that Willow had fallen asleep. She ended up eating half of the first slice of toast before giving up, I let her off because I was just happy she tried something.

"OI, Twiggy!" I whispered, he turned to look at me.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Open the curtain of her bunk please" I asked him. He nodded and wandered of. I picked Willow up in my arms and slung her blanket around my shoulder before wandering off towards the bunks.

I saw that Twiggy had done as I asked and he helped me carefully place her into the bunk. I covered her with her blanket and took a look at her sleeping form. I smiled lightly at her before bending down slightly and placing a light kiss onto her forehead.

"Goodnight Willow" I whispered before shutting the curtain to let her sleep.

My Father Is.......Marilyn MansonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz