Chapter 4

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Recap: "And here's the hardest part....I lied to you Willow" she stuttered. My eyes grew big.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"You're father isn't dead...he's still Alive" she blurted out. I couldn't believe father was....Alive..and I didn't even know.

------------Willow's P.O.V--------------
"How-how could you lie to me?" I asked full of disappointment. "For 15 years I believed he was dead!" I screamed at her. She looked full of guilt.

"I'm sorry hunny" she whispered.

"Where is he?" I asked calmly.

"I don't know, he left me when a week before your due date"she told me. I raised my eyebrow.


"It's- it's complicated Willow" she stuttered.

"Why?" I asked again, completely ignoring her.

"I..I lied to him" she admitted.

"About what?"

"I told him I had cheated on him with my friend Anthony"

"Why?" I yelled in shock. Why would she do that.

"Your father made it hard to be with him, I couldn't just leave him without a good explanation so I thought of that at the time! Willow, I never meant for any of this to happen!" She tried to tell me as I stood up and headed for the door.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, I HAVE NO IDEA WHO MY FATHER IS! IM NEVER GOING TO MEET HIM BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU ARE A COMPULSIVE LIAR AND I HATE YOU!" I screamed. I ran up to my room, slammed the door behind me and fell onto my bed, sobbing. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

---------------------Jane's P.O.V----------
I started so sob lightly. I pulled out my phone and found Twiggy's number and pressed call. I waited patiently for him to answer,


"Twiggy!" I sobbed,

"Hey hey what's wrong?"

"She hates me, she's never going to forgive me. What have I done"

"You did what you had to do. Listen Jane, Marilyn is coming back so I'm gonna say his quickly. She's just in shock, she will come around soon. Just give her a few hours, you'll see"

"Thanks Tiwggy" I sniffed.

"It's ok, got to go" he said and hung up the phone. I placed my phone back into my pocket and slumped down onto the sofa. I decided to watch some TV to take my mind off of things.

-------Willow's P.O.V--------
"Willow...Willow" I woke up to my mum, lightly shaking me. I turned over so that my back was facing her. I didn't want to listen to watch she had to say. "Willow I'm sorry, if I could go back in time and change everything I would!"

"No you wouldn't, do you know how lost I have felt not having both of my parents in my life" I mumbled into my pillow. I heard my mum sigh and place her hand on my head.

"Willow,I am willing to do everything I can to find your father" she said. My eyes shot open as the words left her mouth. I sat up and looked at her with a big grin on my face.

"Really?" I asked. She just nodded and gave me a weak smile. I threw myself at her and she wrapped me into a tight hug which I returned. I could never forgive her for lying to me....but if she is willing to find my dad then I guess she's not all bad.

The next day, I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mum was waiting with her hands behind her back. I looked around and saw that a plate of pancakes where on the table, normally where I sit.

"Happy 16th birthday Willow!"she finally said, bring her hands out. In them was a card and a present. I looked at the calendar and looked at the date, January 5th. I had completely forgotten that it was my birthday! The only reason why I liked my birthday was because it was on the same day as Marilyn Mansons.

I walked up my mum and thanked her. I then sat down and started eating the pancakes she had prepared for me whilst I was sleeping. The only bad thing about today was that I had to go to school, and I really really wasn't looking forward to it. Not one little bit. I was looking forward to seeing Amy though. My mum placed the card and present down beside me.

"Open it!" She told me. I did as she instructed and read the card. It put a smile on my face because my mum had written a paragraph about how much I meant to her in there. I then opened the present and saw that my mum had brought my a Marilyn Manson shirt...I guess you could say I was obsessed with this man. I thanked my mum for the present and card and then glanced at the time.

"Oh crap I'm gonna be late!" I picked up my backpack and walked towards the front door. Before I left I heard my mum speaking to someone on the phone, all I heard was 'I've gotta talk to you about something important'. I decided to ignore it and walk to the bus stop.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Willow, Happy birthday to you!" Amy sang from behind me, I laughed and turned to face her. Amy pulled me into a tight hug and handed me a card.

"You're gonna love me after this!" She yelled. I iggled and ripped the envelope and pulled out the card. As I opened it two slips fell out. I picked them up but proceeded to read the card she had given me. "Read it out loud!"

"To Willow, I hope you have a great 16th birthday. I have a good idea that you will because I have given you the biggest and best present you will ever love, lots of love Amy!" I looked at her and she had a cheesy grin on her face. "So where's the present?"

"Your holding it" she said pointing to the slips I had in my hand. I turned them over and saw that they were in fact tickets. I read the information and my eyes grew wide with happiness.

"YOU BROUGHT ME TICKETS TO SEE MARILYN MANSON!" I yelled and engulfed her into a tight hug. "Thank you so much!"

"It's ok" she laughed. "Come on, let's get to class". I shut my locker and walked off with Amy ready to start a dreadful day at school.

Hey guys, so in the next chapter things are gonna get better, I hope you liked this chapter, next update will be soon:)<3

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