Chapter 18

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"Willow....Willow" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Marilyn standing before me. "Come on get up" I looked at his in confusion before rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Go get dressed" he told me.


"Just do it" he smiled. "I'll make you some breakfast".

I got up to retrieve some clothes from my bag before walking into the bathroom and closing it behind me. I stripped out of my night clothes nd looked into the mirror. I could see all the bruises that had been left behind and I automatically felt sick. I never wanted to go back home, but I knew I had to. I sighed and threw a black tank top over my head and putting on some black shorts, before throwing on my 'Lion King' jumper that I owned. Yes I know..but I love the. Lion King.

I threw my night clothes into a washing basket they had there and walked out back into the main sitting area. I took a seat next to the table and Marilyn put a plate of pancakes down in front of me.

"Thank you" I said slowly.

"Your welcome" he replied, taking a seat opposite me.

"So, why the wake up call? You normally let me sleep in" I laughed.

"Because we are going out. Just me and you" he told me.

"Ooo father and daughter time" I laughed taking a bite out of my pancake.

"Yes.. Now hurry up, my mum ears faster than you" he stated whilst ruffling my hair. I stuck out my tongue and began to eat faster.

"Bowling?" I asked in shock.

"Yes. Bowling" When my dad said he wanted 'father daughter time'. I didn't think that he meant something like this. He didn't seem like the type of person who would take his child out some place nice like bowling.

"You don't seem like the type to bowl" I admitted.

"I beg to differ my friend!" He sarcastically replied

"whatever" I said rolling my eyes and putting on the clown shoes that I hated so much. I didn't get the point in them I really didn't. It took Marilyn abit of convincing but in the end he actually put on the shoes. Once he had them on, we both made our way over to our lane, which was right at the end, thankfully.

"Wanna go first?" He asked. I shrugged and he put the details onto the little bored and handed me a ball. I took my shot and got a strike, I did a little happy dance and Marilyn looked shocked,

"Well,.. That was just luck! Watch a professional" he said before picking up a ball. "Stand back kid" I watched in amusement as he only managed to hit two pins, trying so hard to hold back my laughter.

"Professional huh?" I sarcastically asked before taking a ball.

"Hush you!" He laughed. "I'm going to get a drink"

"Dad, can you get me a blue slush please?" I asked. We both shard a glance and smiled.

"Sure" and then he walked off to get the drinks.

After about three rounds of bowling, I ended up winning by one point. We had a show later but Marilyn said he wanted to take me to a cafè so we could eat before the show. Luckily for us, the cafè was just across the road from bowling so we went there. We got a table and ordered our food.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Anthony-" I began to say.

"Listen Willow, I completely understand why you didn't tell anybody. You were scared and I know you still are scared of him. But I promise you, I will not let it happen again. He will pay for what he did to you...your my daughter Willow, and I'm not gonna let some scumbag get away with something so vile and disgusting" he informed me. A small smile formed on my face as Marilyn spoke. It was so nice to finally have my dad in my life. He was the missing piece. I haven't known him longer than I've known my mum, but right now, I cared for him more. I know that sounds abit harsh but..he understands me more.

"How is he gonna pay?" I asked.

"Let's just say when I'm finished with him, he will never think about touching you again!" He growled.

The food had finally arrived and me and Marilyn began to eat. He ended up changing the subject and began to ask about my plans for the further. I told him that I had no idea what I should do and he told me that if I ever needed to talk about things like that, he would always be there,mane I was pretty thankful for that.

Once we had finally finished dinner, it was time to go back to the venue to put on another amazing show for Marilyn Manson fans.

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