Chapter 7

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I woke up and remembered what day it was. Saturday. Today, I was spending a day with my dad, my real dad. I was so excited but the nervousness I was feeling was taking over. What do I wear, I don't want him to get the wrong impression because of the way I was dressed. Maybe some ripped jeans and a shirt?...yeah that will do.

I threw on a skull top and some ripped jeans and pulled on my converse. When I had finished my hair, I grabbed my phone off of the bed and bolted down the stairs to where my mum was watching TV,

"Mum, do I look ok?" I asked in a panic way.

"Hunny, you look fine. Your dad should be here in-" she was cut off by the doorbell going off.

"Oh god!" I whispered and ran into the kitchen. I was petrified, what if he didn't like me? I opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of coke as my mum answered the door. I heard them greeting each other and my hands began to go sweaty. My breathing began to pick up it's pace as I heard footsteps walk towards the kitchen. Shit! Here we go.

The door opened and I turned to see my dad standing at the door. He smiled lightly at me and I returned the smile. Inside, I wanted to throw myself and just wrap my arms around him. Finally glad that I was face to face in my house with my real dad!

"You ready kid?" He asked. I just nodded. "Sorry, what is your name again" My dad asked nervously.

"Willow" I laughed. "My name is Willow"

"Right Willow! Let's go then" he smiled. I gave my mum and hug and followed my dad out of the door.

"Marilyn" my mum said causing my dad to stop and turn to look at her.


"Take care of her while you are out" she told him, he nodded and continued to walk out. My mum closed the door behind us and we slowly walked up to his car. I went to get into the back.

"You not gonna sit at the front?" He asked and laughed. I laughed as well and got into the passenger side. My dad climbed in and started up the car and not long after, we where driving into town.

"So, what do your wanna do?" I asked deciding to start a conversation.

"Well, I'm going to take you around town and I don't know, but you stuff" he shrugged.

"Fair enough." He glanced at me a couple of times.

"Can you put your belt on please" he asked politely and I did as he had asked. "Sorry but if we get into an accident then-"

"Yeah I know, I just forgot" I said quietly.

"Have you had breakfast?" My dad asked as we walked though the town and I slowly shook my head.he began to walk towards a café. I smiled lightly behind him. So far, he was ok.

We both entered the café and he asked me to go sit at a table. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from Amy, wishing me luck for today. I thanked her and put my phone back into my pocket. I looked to my left and saw Billy and his friends from school. Billy sarcastically waved at me and I hid my face.

Not long after, I felt a presence beside me, I turned and saw Billy. I let out a sigh. I really didn't want this to happen.

"Hey Emo, how's it going" he asked.

"Great thanks" I replied.

"What you doing on your own,where's your friends?" He asked sarcastically. "Oh that's right, you don't have any!" I avoided eye contact with him. I then felt my hair being tugged and before I knew it I was looking a Billy, who had a tight hold on my hair.

"Get off!" I said a little to loudly.

"Don't get sarcastic with me Willow. Don't forget, I broke your arm a few years ago...I will gladly do it again" he laughed. Thankfully, Marilyn approached us.

"OI you!" He said to Billy as Billy let go of my hair. "Fuck off back to your own table!"

Billy looked at my dad and then back at me, before walking of back to his friends. My dad took a seat opposite me.

"I got you some toast, if that is ok?" He asked. I nodded and didn't say anything. "Who's the kid with the big forehead?" I laughed at the comment before answering.

"Just some boy from school" I admitted, shrugging.

"Does he bully you or something?"


"Why don't you kick his ass?" He asked.

"Because he's too busy kicking mine" I told Marilyn. I turned to see Billy glaring at me and I quickly turned to face the wall, not realising that my dad had seen this.

"Have you got a problem?" Marilyn shouted to him.

"Yeah!" Billy fired back.

"And what's that!"

"That thing right there!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's ....look at her!"

"Look at her? Look at you, have you taken a look in the mirror? Or does the forehead take up most of it?" I chocked on my drink as Marilyn spoke. A member of staff came over and asked us to leave.

"No, not until we get out toast! I'm gonna get my money's worth before I leave" Marilyn told her. The waitress sighed and walked back. Not long after, she came back with a plate of toast.

"Thank you! Now we will leave. Willow grab your toast!" I did as he said and followed him out of the café, holding back my laughter.

"Pray for your sins! Jesus died for us!" A man screamed into a microphone over and over again and my dad was ranting about it to me. He was so kind, he had brought me 20 t-shirts, 3 CDs, 5 posters and he even payed for me to get a lip piercing!

"I'm gonna smash that microphone around his head if he says that again!" He yelled loud enough for the man to hear, but he carried on. I looked to a store called 'voodoo' and had an idea.

"Come with me" I told him and he followed me into the store. I spoke to the lady at the counter and Marilyn you get my idea was brilliant. The lady at the counter grabbed a speaker and brang it towards the door and made sure the volume was up really loud.

"Ok, ready!" I said. The women at the counter pressed play on something and her and a few other members of the staff stood at the door with me and Marilyn. Suddenly, 'This is the new shot' began to blare on the speakers so everyone could hear. The man looked pretty pissed with us when the chorus hit. A few other people had came over to us and began to laugh along. We wanted to piss him off even more and we all began to scream the lyrics of the song, watching the man become angry. We had gained an audience for the shoppers and it was great.

Once the man had gone, we all burst out into a fit of laughter and Marilyn high-fives me. We thanked the staff and walked off back to the car. On the way home, me and Marilyn still couldn't stop ourself from laughing at the scene we had caused.

"Great thinking Willow!" He dad said.

"Thanks Marilyn" I laughed.

"Hey! It's dad, ok?" He told me.

"Ok" I smiled. Today had been amazing!

Hey guys, I really hope you like the update and sorry you had to wait, really I am. Anyway,please give me feedback and tell me what you think, next update will be soon :)<3

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