Chapter 10

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I couldn't sleep at all that night. Images of what happened constantly replying in my head. I knew that I would never be the same again. I knew that it would take time for me to ever trust anyone again. Every time I closed my eyes, I could hear the laugh. His laugh. I was great flu that my dad did come and get me. I couldn't be more thankful.

I heard my mums voice downstairs so I deiced to get up out of bed. I bumped into Twiggy on the way to the stairs. He smiled at me and let me go down first. I thanked him and saw that my mum and Marilyn were talking in the kitchen.

"Morning" Marilyn said as soon as he spotted me. My mum turned around and rushed over to me, wrapping me into a tight hug.

"Why didn't you call me?" She asked. "Your dad told me everything you told him

"I didn't want to ruin your night" I lied.

"But surely Anthony would've said something!" I instantly regretted coming down when Marilyn's face dropped.

"Woah woah woah, Anthony was there last night?" Marilyn asked my mother.

"Yeah" she replied.

"You left your- our daughter alone with someone she doesn't know!" He spat out in shock. "No wonder the girl wanted me to come get her!"

"Well Marilyn! You are like a complete stranger to her!"





"STOP YOU TWO! God it's just like the past constantly bickering!" Twiggy sighed, walking over to the sink to get a glass of water. I snickered at his remark.

"Here a tip Jane, never leave a child alone with a stranger!" Marilyn told her, before walking back to his chair.

"Thanks for the tip" my mum sarcastically replied. Marilyn rolled his eyes before looking at me.

"Did you have a good night sleep?" He asked. I smiled at the comment but then shook my head.

"I couldn't sleep" I told them.

"I get it, it's your first night, you were a little nervous" he smiled, before placing his feet on the chair my mum was sat on.

"So, are you ready to go home, Anthony is waiting for us" she told me. I became stiff, just hearing his name made me want to cry. I began to violently shake my head, my bottom lip began to tremble and my breathing pace quickened.

"Hey hey, Willow breathe!" Twiggy said, placing his hand onto my back. My mum just stood there and looked at me in confusion. Marilyn went over to the sink to get me a glass of water. When I had finally calmed down, my mum spoke.

"Why don't you want to go home sweetie?"

"Because- because I have just woken up"

"You said you didn't sleep" she told me, raising my eyebrow.

"She can stay here if she wants. And I'll bring her back later?" Marilyn suggested. I looked at my mum.

"No! Anthony is taking us out to dinner" she gloated. I cringed and my eyes began to water.

"Ok" I sighed and went up the stairs to retrieve my stuff.

My mum had told me to go put on a dress and some heels. I hated dresses and I certainly did at this point in time, but I knew my mum would be disappointed in me if I didn't wear one. Thankfully, my mum said I didn't have to wear heels in the end.

I slipped on a red dress with black flowers printed all over it as it was the only dress I had and I slipped on some black flat shoes. I looked in the mirror and wished that my dress was longer. I wanted to scream and tell my mum the truth but I couldn't. And hell knows what will happen if I told me dad.

I walked down the stairs, finally ready. I saw Anthony staring at me from then corner of my eye and I wanted to be sick. My mum was stood next to him, holding into his hand and looking as happy as ever. How could she love such an evil man?!

"You look beautiful hunny!" My mum blurted out before hugging me. "Doesn't she look amazing Anthony" my mum asked. I glanced up and saw that he was smirking at me.

"She sure does" he replied. I looked away from him.

"Well then let's go" my mum cheerfully said and we all walked out of the door.

Our food and already been order and just my luck, my mum made Anthony sit closer to me. I felt uncomfortable every moment, I wanted to right Amy and get her mum to come take me to her house, but I knew my mum would be angry with me if I did. So I had to stay in this tourture.

"I know, Marilyn wasn't pleased when you told him you cheated on him with me" Anthony laughed. My mum and Anthony had been bad mouthing my dad ever since we got here and I wasn't having any of it!

"Hey, that's my dad!" I retaliated.

"I'm sorry, but it was just so funny!" My mum laughed.

"Funny? So ruining my life is funny!" I started to grow angry.

"It didn't ruin your life, stop over reacting!" She simply said, taking a sip of her drink.

"I grew up without a dad mum!" She just ignored me.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" She told us. She kissed Anthony and left me alone with him.

"Why so mad?" He asked, the tone of his voice was poised with sarcasm. I stayed silent and looked away from him. Watching the staff work, my breath caught in my throat when I felt his hand rest on my thigh. I jumped when he attempted to move his hand higher and he laughed at my actions.

"Why so jumpy Willow?" He asked whilst laughing. I reached under the table and shoved his hand off of my thigh. I saw that his face had turned serious and I instantly became terrified.

My mum quickly returned to the table and Anthony greeted her by standing up and tucking hire chair in once she was sat, not taking his eyes off of me. I wanted to go hide in a hole. I couldn't wait for this night to be over.

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