Chapter 13

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We all ran off of the stage as the song we performed was the last song on the set list. My mum engulfed me into a tight hug and kissed the top of me head. I revived high fives from all of the band members. Nothing and no one could wipe the smile off of my face.

"Damn Willow, you've got some pipes" Twiggy yelled, patting me on the back.

"Thanks Twiggy" I smiled.

"I agree. Hunny, you may become famous one day" my mum said. I scoffed, yeah like I was really going to believe that.

"No mum, I don't think so". I told her, removing the wig and bold-cap off of my head and sitting on a chair.

"No she's right Willow. You have an amazing voice" Marilyn said, coming up behind me and ruffling my hair. I looked into the mirror and saw him standing behind me. He looked like such a proud father, and I was so glad I had found him.

"Thanks dad" I smiled. He bowed his head but hesitated for a second. Sunddenly, I felt him place his lips onto the top of my head. Tears began to build up in my eyes, I had to be strong.

"I'm so proud of you" he whispered into my ear. The biggest smile I had ever made formed onto my face. It wasn't a fake smile that I normally had. It was my real smile. My mood was ruined by Anthony's voice.

"Right well then, I guess we should be going Jane" he said as he grabbed her hand.

"Right ok, Willow, go get changed and then we can go" I went back to the changing room and changed.

Once I had finished, I gave the clothes back to Marilyn and thanked him for letting me perform with him. I then went to follow my mum and Anthony out of the venue, when Marilyn stopped us.

"What Marilyn?" Anthony asked,sounding annoyed.

"Did I call your name?" Marilyn spat at him, earning a glare from Marilyn.

"Yes. Marilyn?" My mum asked politely.

"Well, after seeing her like that tonight and performing....maybe she can come with me on tour and-" Marilyn began to say.

"No way in hell!" My mum said with a laugh. "I'm not letting my daughter go to other countries with a person-"

"Parent!" Marilyn quickly fired back.

"Ok...parent, who she has only known for three days!" She finished.

"Yet you left her alone with a man she has only know for five days" Marilyn sarcastically replied. "Your hilarious"

"She's not coming! Willow, go to the car!"

"But mum I want to-" I began.

"You are not going!" My mum yelled, before pushing me out of the venue.

When we got home I rushed straight up to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I really wanted to go with my dad. The experience he gave me tonight was amazing and now, I will probably never get the chance to do something like that again, all because of my mum. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then my mum entered the room.

"Willow Harris-"


"YOUR NAME IS HARRIS!" She yelled. "YOUR NAME IS NOT WILLOW MANSON! ITS NOT WILLOW WARNER IT IS WILLOW HARRIS!" I looked away from her, she was making me so angry.

"I WOULD RATHER BE A MANSON OR WARNER THAN A HARRIS!" I screamed back. That's when she raised her hand and back handed me across the cheek. I didn't flinch, I didn't cry, I just sat and starred at her.

"I've been there for you since you have been born Willow. And you throw it back in my face by choosing your father, who has only been in your life for five days!" I stayed silent. She got up and left my room.

I was woken by the sound of tape being ripped. I opened my eyes to see that my feet had been tied to the posts at the end of my bed my arm where in the same position. I looked to my right and saw Anthony place the tape on to my desk. I opened my mouth to scream, but he quickly clamped his hand around my mouth.

"Shhhh your mum is sleeping" he told me, laughing slightly. He began to stroke the side of my face as he sat beside me, his hand still clamped over my mouth.

"I don't like the way you treated or spoke to your mum earlier..." He began to say. He lent down and placed a small kiss onto my cheek. "I think you need to be punished Willow..don't you!" I began to shake my head, tears soaking my cheeks. He smirked at me and ran his free hand up my leg, stopping at the top of my inner thigh, inching his hands closer.

"But before we do, we have to make sure you are quiet" he said, he quickly removed his hand from my mouth, but only put black tape in it's place. He stripped himself down to his boxers before placing himself in between my legs. He lent down and began to kiss my neck and chest, his hands grabbing onto my underwear and pulling them down in the process.

'Not again' I thought to myself.

So guys, this is kind of a filler chapter so sorry if it was rubbish and don't worry...Willow will get revenge on Anthony soon, next update will be soon :)<3

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