Chapter 14

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*2 months later*

Anthony had ending up moving in with me and my mum and I hates every second of it. Now, some people would say I was selfish but I wasn't. After everything he had done to me and to have him still carry on! I felt disgusted. No one knew about it, it was still my secret and his. I couldn't tell anybody, if I did what would the consequences be? Would he hurt me even more? I couldn't take the chance.

Mostly ever night, he would come into my room when my mum would sleeping and proceed to do what he was there to do. There was one time when I had tried to scream for my mum to wake up and he has slit my arm. I was petrified of Anthony, and I always will be. My mum loves him to death though and it's annoying.

Me and Marilyn had started to become really close. I guess you could say I was no officially a daddy's girl. I learnt that we actually had a lot in common, and I took after him more than I did my mum. He was going back on tour in a week and he really wanted me to go with him. Mainly because he wanted me too meet my grandad and nan from his side of the family. I really wanted to meet them too. I had to somehow persuade my mum to let me go, when Anthony wasn't there.

"Why don't you get your mum to come here and then me, you and Marilyn could talk to her in an adult way?" Twiggy suggested and he played his base. I was currently sat watching my dad and his band practice.

"She won't listen, I've already tried. I really want to go as well" I sighed, placing my head in my hands.

"Aww don't cry Willow" Twiggy pouted. I looked up and laughed.

"I'm not crying, I'm just fed up that's all" I replied.

"Well, I'm going to call your mum and we are going to speak to her!" Marilyn said as he hopped off of the stage and walking outside. I really hoped this would work.

"Willow, why are you so eager to get away from your mum?" Twiggy asked before taking a sip of water.

"Because..I...just want to get away from her?" I lied. Twiggy raised his eyebrow before hopping off of the stage and coming over me. He took a seat next to me.

"Willow, is there something wrong?"

"Nope, nothing's wrong" I said whilst putting on a fake smile. Deep inside I wanted to scream and tell them everything, but I couldn't.

"She will be here in 15 minutes" Marilyn said as he re-entered the room. He spotted Twiggy sitting next to me and came over to us.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"Yep" I smiled. Marilyn looked up and Twiggy and nodded. I knew Twiggy had tried to indicate something was wrong.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air" I told them, before standing up and practically running out of the venue. I spotted a brick wall and slowly walked over to it. I looked down and let the tears I was holding back fall.

"Willow?" I didn't realise how long I had been sat out there. I looked up and saw my mum get out of her car and run over to me.

"Hey mum" I said quietly,

"Why are you out here?" She asked.

"I just needed some fresh air" I smiled. I hopped off of the wall and walked back inside, my mum following close behind.

"There you are, oh and your mum is here too" Marilyn said as soon as he spotted my mum. "Take five everybody. Twiggy stay" Marilyn instructed.

As everyone left, me and my mum took a seat on the chairs whilst Marilyn and Twiggy stood in front of us. In my head I was begging that she would say this, but mostly I was pleased that Anthony wasn't with her.

"Look of this is about tour and-" Marilyn interrupted her,

"Yeah Jane it is, look I really want her to come with me. It will give me time,to get to know my daughter a lot more" Marilyn explained.

"And it will give Willow the chance to meet Marilyn's mum and dad" Twiggy added.

"Look, I made my mind up ages ago. The answer is still no!" My mum simply said,

"But why?" I whined. She then turned her head to me. I tried to give her my best puppy dog eyes, they use to work every time when I was young.

"Willow....your only sixteen-"

"I'm practically an adult"

"No you are not"

"Mum please!"

"Willow, what if something happens to you?" My mum sighed. I looked at Marilyn in hope.

"I will watch her all the time. I don't think she would wander off anywhere on her own anyway" Marilyn told her.

"Come on Jane..we are responsible" Twiggy said, trying his best to keep in his laughter.

"You guys..responsible?" My mum asked raising her eyebrow.

"Sort of-" Twiggy answered.

"Come on Jane. It will give us father and daughter bonding time. And it will give you some time alone with Anthony" Marilyn told her.

I could tell she was overthinking the decisions Marilyn and Twiggy had told her. It was quiet for a second and we let my mum think. She let out a loud sin and then turned to me. Her face turned serious.

"How bad do you want to go on tour with them?" She asked me. My eyes filled with hope, was she going to let me go so them?

"Really bad" I whined. She looked at Marilyn, then Twiggy and then back at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" She then turned to Marilyn.

"You promise you will look after her and make sure she returns back in one piece?" She asked him,

"Of course I will. She is my child too y'know" Marilyn laughed. My mum just shrugged and smiled.

"Well then, I guess you can go" she told us. I smiled and flung my arms around her neck.

"Thank you, thank you thank you so much mum!" She laughed and kissed the top of my head. I was pushed away from my mum, only to see Twiggy was now in my place.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Jane" Marilyn sat and watched Twiggy in amusement. A smirk playing on his face.

"Willow, grab a mic. We gotta practice 'This is the new shit' " he told me.

"Ok dad" I said, running of and grabbing a mic.

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