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'Happy Birthday Meu amor!' Melina replayed the voicenote as she woke up. Her and Richie were doing great and she was excited to spend her first birthday with him.

She read his texts.

Come to mine for 12 please.

It was only 10am so Melina got up and had a shower. She wasn't sure what to wear but opted for a bodycon dress, seeming it to be the best option. She did her makeup, she did it a bit heavier than usual as it was her birthday and she wanted to look nice.

A few of the players had caught on there was something going on between the pair, but they all had a code of silence which she was grateful for. Luckily for her, Antonio was none the wiser.

Melina got into her car and drove to Richie's. She was immediately welcomed with a bouquet of flowers.

'Happy Birthday baby.' Richie said as he gave her a kiss. Melina was beaming with joy, she loved this side of him.

'You look sexy' he said as he twirled her around. Richie had made an effort as well as he wore brand new designer clothes and even wore bis special chain. Melina gave him a kiss.

'You clean up well too.' She said as she pecked his lips again.

Richie didn't give off too much information but she blindly followed him as they went to his car and he started driving. Melina tried working out where he was taking her but she couldn't tell.

'Please close your eyes baby.' Richie said. Melina smiled and followed his orders. She was so appreciative he was spending time thinking of what to do for her birthday and obliged to his requests. She felt the car stop and him leaving before she felt air next to her. He helped her get out of the car before covering her eyes with his hands. They walked for what seemed yo be forever before he stopped.

'Okay now look.' Melina's eyes got used to the brightness before she took in what was in front of her.

There was a nice picnic in the grass with an assortment of foods. But what caught her eye was the massive ass hot air balloon in the distance. Melina was shocked, she looked back at Richie.

'I hope you're not scared of heights.' He said

Melina responded by enveloping him in a massive hug and he lifted her up and twirled around. He held her hand and they walked towards the hot air balloon. They greeted the host and got inside. Before they knew it the balloon slowly started to ascend.

'You look beautiful today.' Richie said as his hands were on Melina's waist. He looked at her and smiled. Melina felt tears brimming her eyes. She had never had anyone do something like this for her.

'Don't cry baby! Are you scared of heights?' Richie said in a worried tone. Melina laughed and kissed Richie. He kissed back and held her tight. They pulled apart.

'I love you.' Melina said

'I love you too, meu amor.' Richie said. The couple looked out and enjoyed the views together.


After the ride they enjoyed the picnic together. Melina was really enjoying her birthday and was on cloud 9, quite literally.

'What the hell is this?' Richie asked he picked up a chocolate covered strawberry but the chocolate was pink.

'It's chocolate babe. Try it.' Melina said.

Richie put it in his mouth before his face squirmed.

'Ai it's too sweet. That's gross.' Richie said as he left the half eaten strawberry on the plate. Melina laughed and looked at him.

She was glad she took the risk to give him another chance, she never felt happier and felt she finally belonged somewhere. She couldn't imagine anything coming between them.

The pair left the fields and finished the day at Richie's. They watched all the films Melina wanted even though Richie was bored out of his mind, but he watched then for her. They ordered kebab and ate before cuddling on the sofa. They were complete with each other.

Then she got the text. It was from Antonio.

Tomorrow come immediately to my office. We must discuss some of your 'personal' matters.

Melina looked up at Richie, his face mirrored the fear on hers.



only kidding, hopefully will be finishing this book soon!

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