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Per tradition, there were no classes the day before the Trial. Instead, the 15 Ever and 15 Never challengers were given time to scout the Blue Forest. So while unpicked students worked on Circus talents, Sophie followed Tedros and the rest of the group through the gates, keenly aware of the chill between them.

Though the rest of the grounds had fallen prey to a slow autumnal death, the Blue Forest glistened, lush as ever, in midday sun. All week, the students had tried to wheedle out of their teachers what obstacles the challengers would face but they professed ignorance.

The School Master designed the Trial in secret, giving professors only the power to secure its borders. Teachers couldn’t even watch the contest, since he cast a veiling spell over the Blue Forest for the whole night.

“The School Master forbids our interference,” Professor Dovey mumbled to her class, clearly distraught. “He prefers Trials to simulate the dangers of the Woods beyond reason or responsibility.”

But as the competitors crowded into the Forest behind Tedros, none of them could believe that a night from now, this beautiful playground would turn into a hellish gauntlet.

Together, the Evers and Nevers herded past the sparkling fronds of the Fernfield, snacking possums in the Pine Glen, the Blue Brook tumbling with trout, before they remembered they were enemies and split up.

After they were done with scouting out the area they made their way back to the teacher, who released them and made their way to the castles.

Shira was nervous for Tedros, while the teacher tried to hide what happened in the past, She and the others had found lots of books telling what really happened in the Trial, over half of the students that went in didn’t come out.

That is why she was making some healing and shielding charms to help, the only downside is that it lasts 10 minutes and has a cooling timer of 5 minutes so they would have to be very careful on the time they use it.

The others were getting those, for Tedros she was giving him a protection, shielding, and a summoning charm. While it had the same workings as the others, The summoning would bring her to him if he needed help and he couldn’t get out of it by himself. The charms were crafted into a necklace for the girls and a pin for the boys. She also had one for herself.

As they made their way to the Blue forest Shira had stopped them to give them the jewelry

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As they made their way to the Blue forest Shira had stopped them to give them the jewelry. “Here I made these for your protection” at their confused looks at seeing the Items she explained how they worked.

”Tap once for healing, tap twice for shielding, now for shielding it only last for 10 minutes and both have a cool down time of 5 minutes so you can’t use it again until the 5 minutes are up, so use it wisely.”

As Kiko, Tristan, Reena and the others put on their protection charms on Shira pulled Tedros away so the others won’t hear them.

“Here I put an extra charm on here for you to use incase of an emergency, hold and twist counter clockwise to activate” as she put it on his vest. “ Cool, what does it do?” He asked, looking at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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