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The morning started miserable for Sophie. Not only had she gotten zero sleep, but now she was back in her mismatched school for another day of despicable classes.

Even worse, she didn’t know the answer to the School Master’s riddle, nor could she ponder it until lunch. And if all this wasn’t bad enough, her Hobgoblin Debacle had become the talk of both schools.

In Uglification, Sophie tried to ignore all the snickers and focus on Manley’s lecture about the proper use of capes.

This took valiant concentration, given Hester’s vengeful glares and the fact that capes could be used for protection, invisibility, disguise, or flight, depending on their fabric and grain, with each type requiring different incantations.

Manley blindfolded the students for the class challenge, where students raced to identify their given cape’s fabric and successfully put it to use.

"I didn’t know magic was so complicated,” Hort murmured, massaging his cape to see if it was silk or satin.
“And this is just capes,” Dot said, smelling hers. “Wait until we do spells!”

But if there was one thing Sophie knew, it was clothes. She recognized snakeskin under her fingers, mentally said the incantation, and went invisible under her slinky black cape. The feat earned her another top rank and a look from Hester so lethal Sophie thought she might burst into flames.

Across the moat, Shira was having a great day. Just one tiny thing bothered her. Everywhere she went Tedros followed trying to protect her from Sophie as if she would pop out at any time and cause her harm.

While she was a little annoyed that he thought she couldn’t protect herself, she ultimately found it touching.

Finally Shira stopped,”Tedros, I need to tell you something.”

“Yes Shira,” asked Tedros, wondering why she stopped. “Why do you keep following me around so much?”

“Why do you not like having me around?” asked Tedros thinking she thought of him as a nuisance.

“No I do, it just that I haven’t spent much time with the girls and I miss them, and I’m sure that the boys miss practicing with you.”

Tedros understood what she meant and felt a little silly being so overprotective. “I understand. I promise to give you some space, but I’ll still walk you to class and lunch okay?”

Shira smiled and nodded, she could deal with that just fine. She kissed him on the cheek and headed to the girls.

Tedros watches her go ahead then heads to the boys ready for a spar.

With Hansel’s Haven still in ruins, classes were moved to the tower common rooms. Shira and Evers went through the Breezeways linking all the Good towers in a zigzag of colorful glass passages high over the lake.

While crossing a purple breezeway to Charity, she and her friends talked all the way to class.
Shira finally reached the Charity Commons. Happy that she and the girls weren’t late, they looked for a seat to sit down.

The pink chaise couches were almost full except for the ones beside Kiko.

“Sit here!”
Kiko, the sweet, short-haired girl, scooted aside and Shira and her friends quickly seated themselves. “Hi Kiko” chirped Shira.

“Hey Shira, Are you feeling okay from what happened yesterday?” asked Kiko worried that she was traumatized from the event. “I’m okay, But thanks for asking.”

“Don’t worry Shira, we will be right there with you if that Never tries to hurt you again” Said Renna, Kiko and Beatrix nodded agreeing with her. Shira was touched that she had such great friends.

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