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POV: Shira

Shielding herself from a morning storm, Shira followed Reena to the Evers’ lunch line. As soon as they sat down Shira turned to Beatrix and the others “How would y'all like to hear a song that could calm this storm.”

“Of course we would love to hear you sing, we have been waiting to hear you for a long time” said Beatrix, smiling with the other girls and boys.

Shira summed her guitar and started singing


As Shira sang the wind stopped blowing and the clouds moved away giving way for the sun. The Evers and the Nevers have never seen anything like it before.


As Shira played her last note she was shocked by the thunderous clapping she got that had her blushing. “That was amazing Shira.” exclaimed Tedros looking at her with love in his eyes. The other nodded their agreement. Shira blushed under their praises.

POV: Sophie

The door to Room 66 was unlocked. Dot found Sophie curled under her scorched, tattered covers.
“I saw it!” Sophie hissed. “I saw him pick Shira! Again!”

“It couldn’t be that bad and it was a short time” said Dot
“You don’t know what it was like. I still smell him everywhere. He’s in my nose, Dot.
They’ve given him his own room until the stench goes away. But who’s to say where skunk ends and Hort begins?”

Shuddering, Sophie turned back. “I did everything the book said. I focused on all the things I love about Tedros—his skin, his eyes, his cheekbones—”

“Darling, that’s his look! Tedros won’t feel a connection if you just like him because he’s handsome. How is that different from every other girl?”
Sophie frowned. “I didn’t want to think about his crown or his fortune. That’s shallow.”

“Think about who he is! His personality! His values! What he’s like deep down!”
“Excuse me, I know how to make a boy love me,” Sophie huffed, shooing her out. “Just let me do things my way.”

Apparently Sophie’s way was to humiliate herself as much as possible.

During lunch the next day, she sidled up to Tedros in the Evers’ line, only to have his boys crowd her, chomping blue mint leaves.

Then she tried to get the prince alone in Surviving Fairy Tales. But he was always with Shira.

“Tedros, can I talk to you?” Sophie blurted finally.
“Why would he talk to you?” Beatrix said.
“Because we’re friends, you buzzing gnat!”

“Friends!” Tedros flared. “I’ve seen how you treat your friends. Use them. Betray them. Call them fat. Call them liars. Appreciate the offer. I’ll pass.”
“Attacking. Betraying. Lying. Sounds like one of our Nevers is using her rules!” Yuba beamed.

Sophie was so despondent she even ate a piece of Dot’s chocolate.
“We’ll find you a love spell somehow,” said Dot.
“Thanks, Dot,” Sophie sobbed, mouth full. “This is amazing.”
“Rat droppings. Makes the best fudge.”
Sophie gagged.
“Who’d you call fat, by the way?” Dot asked.

Things got worse. For a weeklong challenge in Henchmen Training and Animal Communication, students of both schools had to tote assigned creature sidekicks everywhere they went.

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