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When the Evers got back to their castle Tedros asked Shira if they could talk in private, saying yes they separated from their groups and went down a different hallway, not noticing the excited grins from the others. When they were far enough away Tedros spoke.

“I’m sorry for not protecting you from Sophie, Shira. I was right there and I did nothing but stand there” said Tedros, feeling bad that he didn’t protect his princess.

“Oh Tedros, you have nothing to feel sorry for. If it's anyone's fault it's mine, I should have stopped her from attacking me in the first place.” Shira told him.

She reached for his hand and listened to him speak. “Shira, I like you,” said Tedros. He faced her and held her hands before repeating himself “I like you. a lot.” Shira blushed when she heard those words. She couldn't believe that the boy she liked liked her back. She had thought that he had liked Beatrix, not her.

She looked into his eyes, blushing, and told him. “I like you too.” Tedros smiled and kissed her forehead, happy she felt the same way. They smiled at each other, Tedros held her face and slowly lowered his head and kissed her. After a minute, pulling back, he asked “Shira, will you do me the honor of being my princess?”

“Only if you become my prince,” said Shira smiling. They looked into each other's eyes and knew the answer.
They pulled away holding hands and walked back to their friends, hearts welling with happiness.

POV: Sophie

As the two schools slept, a head surfaced outside in the black moat. Sophie peeped out at the thin silver tower that divided the lake from sludge. Too far to swim. Too high to climb.

A cyclone of fairies guarded its spire, while an army of wolves with crossbows manned wooden planks at its base.
“He must be up there.” said Sophie
For the last hour, the girl had mulled every possible way to escape. Sophie thought she could sneak into the Woods and find her way back to Gavaldon.

But she dismissed it because she would have to get past the gate snakes and any other booby traps, she would just end up lost. (“They’re called the Endless Woods for a reason.”)

Sophie also realized that if she left, Shira would get Tedros and she would end up with a boy that didn’t deserve her back in Gavaldon. Shaking that thought out she heard a squawk in the distance.

A short while later, they were back in the Blue Forest, caked in sludge, eyeing a nest of big black eggs from behind a periwinkle bush. In front of the nest, five skeletal stymphs slept on indigo grass, littered with the blood and limbs of a half-eaten goat.

Sophie scowled. “I’m back where I started, covered in smelly ooze and who knows how many flesh-eating maggots and—
The stymphs moved still asleep, Sophie praying they wouldn't wake.

They stilled and went back to sleep. Suddenly she had a thought she could use the birds to get to the top of the tower.

As Sophie inched towards the nest, she caught a closer look at the sleeping stymphs’ jagged teeth, gnarled talons, and spiked tails that shred flesh from bone.

Suddenly doubting her plan, Sophie backed up, only to trip on a branch and fall on a goat leg with a loud crack. The stymphs opened their eyes. Her heart stopped.

The stymphs unleashed a war cry and charged.

“Helllllp!” Sophie cried. The stymphs chased her as she ran in circles like a lunatic, five stymphs high stepping behind her in a moronic maypole parade until everyone forgot who was after who and the birds knocked into each other dizzily.

“I outsmarted them,” Sophie beamed.
A stymph bit her bottom. “Ayyyiiieee!” Sophie ran for the nearest tree. Only she couldn’t climb trees, so she hurled mashed gooseberries at the bird’s face, distracting it. Taking a chance she jumped on the bird's back.

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