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The next morning, fifty princesses dashed about the fifth floor as if it was their wedding day. On the first day of class, they all wanted to make their best impressions on teachers, boys, and anyone else who might lead them to Ever After.

Swans twinkling on nightgowns, they flurried into each other's rooms, glossing lips, poofing hair, buffing nails, and trailing so much perfume that Shira had to conjure pillows for the fairies that had passed out and littered the hall like dead flies.

Still no one seemed any closer to being dressed, and indeed, when the clock tolled 8:00 a.m., signaling the start of breakfast, not a single girl, except one, had put on her clothes.

"Breakfast makes you fat anyway," Beatrix reassured.

While the other girls were still getting ready, Shira, who already fed Luna, was already dressed and was putting on light make-up, then the others helped fix her hair and did her nails.

"You must look your best to make a good first impression." said Reena

After all the girls were finished they started making their way to class. As Shira left she knew that today will be a great day.

Sophie's Pov:

"Why do we need to uglify?"

Sophie peeked through her fingers at Professor Manley's bald, pimpled head and squash-colored skin, trying not to gag. Around her, Nevers sat at charred desks with rusty mirrors, cheerily bashing tadpoles to death in iron bowls. If she didn't know better, she'd think they were making a Sunday cake.

Why am I still here? she fumed through furious tears. She should be doing makeup and singing to the birds not to be Uglification. She needs to find a way to switch with Shira and fast.

"Why do we need to be revolting and repugnant?" Manley jowled. "Hester!"

"Because it makes us fearsome," Hester said, and swigged her tadpole juice, instantly springing a rash of red pox.
"Wrong!" roared Manley. "Anadil!"
"Because it makes little boys cry," Anadil said, sprouting her own red blisters.
"Wrong! Dot!"

"Because it's easier to get ready in the morning?" Dot asked, mixing her juice with chocolate.

"Wrong and stupid!" Manley scorned. "Only once you give up the surface can you dig beneath it! Only once you relinquish vanity can you be yourself!"

Sophie crawled behind desks, lunged for the door-the knob burnt her hand and she yelped.

"Only once you destroy who you think you are can you embrace who you truly are!" Manley said, glaring right at her.

Whimpering, Sophie crawled back to her desk, past villains exploding in shingles. Smoky-green ranks popped out of thin air around her-"1" over Hester, "2" over Anadil, "3" over oily, brown-skinned Ravan, "4" over blond, pointy-eared Vex. Hort drank his draught excitedly, only to see a wee zit spurt from his chin. He smacked away a stinky "19," but the rank smacked him right back.

Ugliness means you rely on intelligence," Manley leered, slinking towards Sophie. "Ugliness means you trust your soul. Ugliness means freedom."

He flung a bowl onto her desk.
Sophie looked down into black tadpole juice. Some of it was still moving.
"Actually, Professor, I believe my Beautification teacher will object to my participation in this assign-"

"Three failing marks and you'll end up something uglier than me," Manley spat.
Sophie looked up. "I really don't think that's possible."

Manley turned to the class. "Who would like to help our dear Sophie taste freedom?"
Sophie whipped around.

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