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Shira wondered why lunch was a joint-school activity, because Evers sat with Evers, Nevers sat with Nevers, and both groups pretended the other wasn’t there.

Lunch took place in the Clearing, an intimate picnic field outside the Blue Forest gates. To get to the Clearing, students had to journey through twisty tunnels of trees that grew narrower and narrower, until one by one the children spat through a hollowed trunk onto emerald grass.

As soon as Shira came through the Good tunnel with her friends, she got in the line of Evers receiving picnic baskets from nymphs in red hoods, while Nevers from the Evil tunnel took rusty pails from red-suited wolves.

Shira followed the girls to one of the tables and reached into her willow basket to find a lunch of smoked trout sandwiches, rampion salad, strawberry soufflé, and a vial of sparkling lemon water. She opened her mouth to the sandwich— Sophie swiped it. ”Hey!!” yelled Shira  “Here’s yours.” She plunked down a pail of gruel.

Shira looked at it with disgust, Beatrix was about to get up to knock the sandwich out of Sophie’s hand when Shira stopped her. She turned to Sophie who was about to scarf the sandwich down and had a mischievous idea. She used her magic to switch the meat with the gruel from the bucket and into the sandwich.

Sophie, thinking she was finally getting the food she deserves, took a big bite…..and spit it right back out. “Yuck” cried Sophie throwing the ‘sandwich’ on the ground. The girls burst out laughing, happy that the girl got what was coming to her.

Shira told her “ That's what you get, if you had asked I would have given you some. Instead you tried to steal it and leave me with yours.” Then Shira saw Sophie's face and burst into giggles. “What are you laughing at?!” yelled Sophie, angry that she was tricked.

Over Shira’s shoulder, she saw Tedros and his friends pointing and snickering.
“Oh no,” Sophie groaned. “What’d you do now?” Shira just kept staring at her trying not to laugh.

“If you’re going to be a brat about it, you can choke on the soufflé.” Sophie yelled. “Why is that strange imp waving at me?”

Shira turned and saw Kiko across the Clearing, waving and flaunting newly red hair. It was the exact same color as Tristan’s. Shira’s face went white.

“Um, you know her?” Sophie said, watching Kiko giddily approach Tristan.
“We’re friends,” Shira said, waving Kiko away from him.
“You have a friend?” Sophie said. “More than you” Thought Shira.

Shira turned to her.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that!” Sophie yelled.
“You haven’t been eating candy, have you?”

“Huh?” Sophie shrieked, realizing—her hand flew up and ripped Lesso’s wart off her face—“Why didn’t you tell me!” she cried, as Tedros and boys exploded into whoops.
“Ohhh, it can’t get any worse,” Sophie moaned.

Hort picked up her discarded wart and ran away with it.
Sophie looked at Shira. Shira cracked a smile.
“It’s not funny!” Sophie wailed.
But Shira was laughing and so were the other girls.

Across the field Everboys slowly trespassed into Evergirl territory. Girls waited like flowers to be picked, only to see Beatrix and Shira attract the lion’s share. As Beatrix flirted with her suitors, Tedros fidgeted on a tree stump. Finally he stood up and asked Shira to take a walk.

“Of course” Shira said, she grabbed Tedros hand and they walked into the forest.

“He was supposed to rescue me,” Sophie whimpered, watching them go, her eyes never leaving Tedros form.

POV: Shira

When they were far away from prying eyes, Tedros grabbed both of Shira’s hands and looked deep into her eyes.

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