Chapter 23

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My phone rings on my way back to the shop, "Hey ma!"

"Hi honey, how's work?"

"Wonderful." I tell her honestly.

"That's wonderful. We booked a flight for the first weekend of February."

"Oh that's in less than two weeks, ma."

"Yep, I've just missed you so much."

I laugh, "I miss you too ma. Okay love you I have to get back to work."

As soon as I walk into the mall doors I see a line outside mine. "Oh! Sorry folks, just needed a quick lunch."

I hear some grumbling, I just hurry to unlock the door, taking off the sign so it just says open again. I wash my hands then pop over to the counter. "Who's first in line?" I call.

The afternoon picks up and is filled with middle schoolers buying coffee. I learn one girl's name, Veronica. She doesn't have many friends, not a great home life so she spends as much time as possible at the mall or bookstores.

Makes my heart hurt for her, but at least she'll be able to come here. "Roni, want another coffee?" I call to her when the line is gone.

"Yes please Layla. So since I have nothing happening in my life, what's going on in yours?"

I pour myself a coffee and sit down on a oversized chair next to her. "One of my boyfriends is coming over tonight. My parents are visiting soon. Too much excitement." I wave my hands and sip my coffee.

"Wait go back the to plural on boyfriends. Do they know about each other?"

I laugh, "Yes. We're all in a relationship together."

She cocks her head to the side, "You just got a lot more interesting."

"Thank you, I guess." I hop back to the register when I see customers heading my way.

I'm slammed until it's time to go home, "Alright Roni time to head home do you need a ride?" I tell her as I'm wiping up tables.

"No, I take the bus. But thanks, I'll see you tomorrow same time?"

I chuckle and wave, "Sure be safe!"

Once she leaves I lock up, balance the register and sweep and mop the floors.

Me: Just now heading home.

Green eyes: Okay Ellroy and I made you dinner. We'll be over soon.

Me: You're amazing.

I hurry and lock up, rushing out to my car. I love that my house is so close to, I know I did that intentionally but still it feels so nice to be home quick. As I pull in I see an unfamiliar car, a blue sedan, Texas plates.

I park in my driveway next to the car. As I get out the door opens, "Hey Layla." Aric steps out of the black car.

My eyes pop, "How did you get this address? Oh wait let me guess, my ma? You aren't welcome here. You need to leave."

Aric just grins and approaches me, "Layla I traveled all this way to see you. At least have a conversation with me."

"No, you said all that was needed to be said when you didn't want to marry me."

Jackson and Ellroy pull into the driveway. Jackson jumps out running to my side, "Sweetheart you alright?"

I snuggle into his side, "Jackson, Ellroy this is Aric my ex."

Jackson pulls me tighter, "Aric you need to leave."

"I deserve to be heard, at least let me have a conversation in the house so we aren't making a scene." He puts his hands in his pocket, looking down at me with a smirk.

My lip curls, Ellroy answers first, "If you want to talk with our girl we'll be present."

Aric holds up his hands, "Fine."

I let us all into the house, Atlas purring around my legs before hissing at Aric and running to hide in my room. "At least he didn't hiss at you." I giggle to Jackson.

Jackson seats me down between him and Ellroy at the table. "Speak." Ellroy says as Aric sits on the opposite side.

"Layla, I didn't feel like we were the perfect match. I thought things were stagnant and boring, but when you left you showed me that you can change. I want to be part of the changes with you."

I shake my head, "No. I'm happy here. With my men, who care and treat me amazing, and who have amazing sex with me. You didn't do any of those things in the years we were together. You breaking it off was the best thing to happen to me. Now please get out of my house."

Aric stands, gives me a smoldering look before leaving.

I go to the fridge and pull out three beers. "That wasn't weird at all. Should I be expecting any of your ex-lovers to show up at my house too? I mean that would make sense."

Jackson cuts me off with a kiss, "It's okay sweetheart. Are you okay though?"

"I'm great. How could I not be with you four in my life now. And the sweetest little girl."

"I'm going to text Jessie and Harold and tell them what happened." Ellroy says.

I nod to him, "Thank you. I'm going to go shower."

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