Chapter 15

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Jackson pulls off my shirt, diving into my breasts. As Ellroy takes off my bottoms pulling them down, leaving kisses as he goes. Jackson bites my nipple my eyes fly open watching, him suck then bite each one.

Ellroy drops his pants, something glints off his tip. "What's that?" I gasp. Since Jackson hasn't stopped his ministrations.

Ellroy comes closer to me showing me his wonderful cock, he has a single piercing on the tip. "Want me in your mouth?"

I nod. Opening up my mouth as he slides in, I push him back so I can play with the piercing before going back to sucking him down. I feel Jackson behind me, and try to groan a yes around Ellroy's cock.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Ellroy chuckles. "Jackson take her."

I feel my pussy lips spread open, then the tip of Jackson's cock as he teases me before entering to the hilt. He thrusts into me, pounding and grinding, and making me take Ellroy farther down my throat. It's a weird sensation, but a wonderful one. We all cum together, sweating and panting.

"Holy hell," I say after swallowing down Ellroy's cum. "I hope you guys have a few more rounds in you. That was hot!"

We spent the whole night making love, the three of us. Something I only imagined in my dirtiest dreams happening. I hit start on my coffee pot remembering how they both took me at the same time, over and over.

Jackson left a little while ago to babysit, he told me he'd bring them to my store tomorrow when they get out of school. Ellroy said he has weekends off so he'd go with me to the store to make sure everything is ready.

I pull out two mugs, Ellroy comes into the kitchen fully dressed. "Smells good." He gestures to the stove top.

I grin, "Is sausage, eggs and muffins okay?"

"Yes, I'm just feeling very spoiled right now." He pulls me to him and kisses me. "On and scale of one to ten how sore are you right now?"

My eyes widen, "I'd say a nine, so thanks but no thanks." I laugh. "You two really were something last night."

He smirks, "I'm excited for all of us to take you at the same time."

I blink at him, "I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that."

"You will." He swats my butt and sits down on a bar stool. I go feed Atlas who happens to be obsessed with Ellroy, we woke up to Atlas sitting on Ellroy's face and refusing to move. I chuckle at the memory. "What's funny?" Ellroy says.

"You and Atlas, I don't understand why he's taken such a liking to you. He still hisses at Jackson when he tries to pet him." I laugh, and scratch Atlas' back.

"Do you take anything in your coffee?"

"How about I make the coffees while you're serving breakfast, how do you take yours?" He comes around grabbing the pot of coffee from me.

I narrow my eyes, "Put the peppermint creamer in it please."

He opens my fridge with a gasp, "I guess I didn't really look in your fridge while we made dinner. How many creamers do you have in here?"

I flush, "Um well I think like ten, I like to try new combinations. You know always coming up with new coffee ideas."

He shakes his head, "That makes sense. Just wasn't expecting that."

I beat him to the table with the plates, so I sit down first watching him move confidently around my kitchen. I grin as he hands me my cup, I sniff it, "Peppermint and vanilla?"

He pouts, "Yes, I decided to try the same."

I take a sip, "Hmm, this isn't bad."

We eat breakfast then head to the shop, the only entrance is in through the mall, which makes me feel safer but it's annoying that it doesn't open until ten. Security got mad at me for coming in at seven a.m. while I was still arranging things and told me to wait until they unlock the doors from now on.

"Ten thirty, they can't get mad at me today." I chuckle, "Though for the stores like mine that open at ten what am I supposed to do?"

Ellroy frowns, his hair flopping in his face when he looks down at me, "Ask one of your neighbors, I'm sure it's fine if you go in at nine thirty."

I unlock the shop door and allow Ellroy to go in first, "Okay so be honest what do I need to change?"

He looks around, the coffee shop is on the right merging with a few couches in the middle and an explosion of color on the left where the shelves of toys start. "I wouldn't change anything I love it." He starts towards the game section. "Can I buy a game now or do I have to wait till tomorrow?"

I grin, "Tomorrow. Since we're here I want to do the floors, while I do that will you dust?"

"Sure doll."

I go to the supply room behind the coffee bar and hand him a duster, then I get my vacuum out. Everything is clean, but I want it to be perfect for my opening. I finish last which I expected after I put the tools away we wander around the shops.

"Let's go in the pet shop." I beg Ellroy, who laughs at me and leads us over.

I spend a long time looking at the puppies, "I've always wanted a dog." I tell him.

"Yeah? What kind?"

I point to the golden retrievers, "One of these ones."

"Do you want to meet them?" An employee asks.

I smile brightly, "Can we? That would be amazing."

"Sure." She points to a puppy play pen, "Go ahead and sit down I'll bring one over."

Ellroy and I sit on opposite benches and the employee brings a puppy in and shuts the half door. The puppy bounces all around excitedly licking us.

"Hi sweet little girl." I croon and scoop the wiggling puppy into my arms. After ten minutes the puppy is exhausted, and we hand her back to the employee. "Thank you so much!" I tell her as we leave.

"If I could get one, that's what I'd want." I tell him.

He loops his arm around my shoulders, "I'll see what we can do."

My eyes shoot to him, "Oh no I wasn't telling you to get me her. I just mean one day, that's what I want." I try to explain.

He just kisses the top of my head and shushes me.

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