Chapter 22

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Jessie helps me back in the truck after we wave again Audry. Harold kisses me on the cheek, "Why are you crying babe?"

"Just the way you all are with her, as if she's all of yours."

"We've all been raising her together with Harold's mom, so she kind of is." Jessie says.

"I ordered her a pink bed with a mattress but I forgot to order sheets, and pillows, and a comforter."

"We'll go get them when you're off work. But babe you didn't need to order that." Harold chuckles.

"If she's going to be staying over at the house she needs her own room. Not like there isn't plenty of empty rooms. My family is coming in a couple a weeks, I need to set up at least one guest room. Maybe I should order a bigger bed for my room and move the other into a guest room." I know I'm rambling but this does need to be sorted out.

Jessie starts laughing, "I do think you need a bigger bed, but let us take care of that okay? This weekend we'll do some rearranging, maybe painting? I'll take this weekend off." He says.

"Okay, that sounds good."

Since it's still early they drop me off at my house, Atlas and I spend a little time together reading before I have to go open the shop. I give him one more scratch before shoving my book into my purse and scurry out the door. I take a quick picture of my new flower and post it to facebook.

I grin to myself, no one has ever given me a live plant before. As I pull into the mall parking lot, I get a quick text from Jackson.

Green eyes: Have a good day at work sexy. Stop over for lunch.

Me: I will. Have a good day too, miss you already.

I unlock the shop, hurrying to get everything swept and dusted before we open. I flip on the open sign and go behind the coffee bar. In a couple minutes people start trickling in for coffee.

Hours pass by, and I stay slowly busy all day. Jackson ended up bringing over lunch for me. As I close up I tell them all I'm heading home, I can't help the grin, as they respond telling me to have a goodnight and they can come over if I need company. I giggle and tell them goodnight.

When I get home I run myself a bubble bath, and relax into it. I decide to be naughty and send the guys a picture to let them know I'm relaxing. My phone is silent, I pout a little, before it goes off four times. I get one of each of them with their shirts off, holy hell, my mouth waters.

I'm slightly regretting not letting them come over, one night away won't kill anyone. I drain the bath and make myself a sandwich, I barely stay awake as I eat it, then fall into bed.


The next day at work goes wonderfully, a little slower than the last but not bad. I've started to at least get a few regular customers. It's now two p.m., I hang a sign on saying off to lunch and I'll be back in twenty minutes. I already texted Jackson and my food is ready, I'm bringing him a coffee, so nice to have a boyfriend working at a good food place.

I find my favorite spot at the bar open, there are a lot of people in here for lunch. A lot of women openly flirting with Jackson too. Even though I want to get mad, I'm pretty confident he won't take any of them up. Jackson brings me my plate, fish and chips today. I trade him for the coffee and a quick kiss.

We get a few cat calls, but it doesn't matter because he's mine. I text the rest of the guys asking how there day is going. Life is starting to fall into a comfortable pattern and I like it, I'm finally happy.

Jackson settles down in front of me, "Hey sweetheart."

"Hi." I grin up at him.

"So what's your plans tonight?"

"None, what to come over? Or maybe just move in?" I laugh.

At his serious face I stop laughing, "You want to move in?"

"Not yet, but sometime in the future. For now I'll just pack my over night bag."

I laugh again, "We'll have a serious talk this weekend, especially since you all are getting us a new bed."

"I forgot about that." He runs his hands through his hair. "I'm off Saturday, I'll be there."

"You're off weird days. I'm working Saturday, and Sunday. I scheduled to be closed after this week Tuesdays and Wednesdays."

"Ouch, a week straight."

I shrug, "It's worth it."

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