Chapter 11

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Jackson helps me go pick up a cheap grill, burgers, everything for them, snacks and the guys' favorite beer. Amazon has already delivered the boxes which wait patiently in the rooms they go in. My new internet provider finally added the internet box, so my t.v. in the living room is finally watch able, I frown I really wish I had one in the bedroom as well now.

Jackson and I are drinking a beer when the two cars, and truck pull up in front of my house. "Should I have parked in the garage?" I ask Jackson. "So there was more space?" He chuckles.

"Didn't even cross my mind, next time."

Jessie steps out of the truck with a big grin, Ellroy steps out of an old black classic car, and Harold gets out of a new looking gray car. They approach with grins and I can't help but smile back. I hug each of them and thank them for coming to help.

"Food first, or building first?" I ask.

"Building." Harold answers, "Shouldn't take long with the five of us."

I grin, "Welcome to my house." I say as I open the door, "And this is Atlas." I point him out as he runs and hides in his cat tree.

We break into teams, Jackson kisses me as he heads into my bedroom with Jessie. Leaving me with Harold and Ellroy. My job is easy I just hand the guys the screws. We have everything built in an hour and Ellroy helps me by cooking the burgers while I slice onions and tomatoes.

We all settle down in the dining room. I decide to start off the conversation of our relationship after we've all started on our beers. Which maybe I shouldn't be drinking anymore. I frown at the beer and hand it to Jackson.

"Something wrong with it?" He questions.

"No," I give him a hard stare.

He laughs, "You can still drink until you find out, just don't over do it."

I narrow my eyes.

"What happened?" Ellroy asks looking between Jackson and I.

I blush and Jackson answers, "We forgot a condom, and decided fuck it, if she gets pregnant then great." He grins at me.

The other guys' jaws drop, "After one night you're having kids?" Jessie starts laughing, "This is why we want a relationship with all of us. You two are trouble." He points between Jackson and I.

I blush, "I don't want to wait forever to have kids, I know you guys are much younger than me and have more time. I however am running out of time. I'm almost thirty!"

"You're twenty-seven, that's not deaths door," Jackson protests.

Harold sets down his burger, "Layla Jones, I think we should formally announce that we'd like to date you. All of us. Do you accept?"

I burst out laughing, "I'm sorry, yes I do as long as we never get married. I can't go through that again."

"As long as you are ours I don't care what the title is." Ellroy smirks at me.

"Okay then. I have four boyfriends." I giggle, and sip at my beer. "My ma is going to be so mad."


I arch a brow at Harold, "Is this a normal thing for Texas?"

"Not exactly, but poly families are a thing now. Their becoming more normal all over the U.S., so I guess it's not that uncommon."

I shake my head but smile. The rest of dinner we talk about how their day went, how Audry is etc. It was really nice. I still don't know how I'm going to explain this to my ma and dad. I'm the first to bring up our relationship status on FB, we all agree to put in a relationship and honestly I only want it their because I see how many thirsty women comment on Jackson's pictures and I want them to back off.

I send them all home with a kiss, since it's the weekend, Harold and I have a beach date tomorrow with Audry, and I'm excited to get to know both of them better. The guys all groaned when Jackson said he should stay to protect me, that's when I sent them all home. I didn't want anyone to get jealous, we're just starting our relationship and I'm not ready to sleep with all of them at once right away. I plan to but not yet, just the idea of all four has me shivering in a good way. Soon, but not yet.

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