Chapter 16

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Ellroy and Jessie take me out to dinner that night at some little thai restaurant, it's a perfect evening, and we end it by walking on the beach not talking about anything important just enjoying each other's company. I don't like when we say goodbye, Jessie drops me off at my house with a searing good night kiss. I thought about letting him stay over but my poor body needs a break.

I change into my p.j.s, grab Atlas and snuggle down onto the couch, I put on a K-drama and enjoy a glass of wine. A group chat starts and my phone chimes with texts from the guys.

Green eyes: What's our sweetheart doing right now?

Brown eyes: I can't believe you didn't want me spending the night.

Blue-gray eyes: Who would want you to spend the night?

Midnight eyes: At least I got a kiss.

Me: Watching a drama with a big glass of wine. You guys are silly, okay I'm putting my phone on silent, no more interruptions unless it's important.

Green eyes: Meow. Fine fine, text us when you're going to bed I and want pictures.

Blue-gray eyes: No pictures. We'll see you tomorrow lovely.

Brown eyes: Good night

Midnight eyes: I guess I'll just entertain myself with these losers.

Jessie sends me a picture of him, Jackson and Ellroy all shirtless on their couch.

Me: Holy hell, good night.

I save the picture putting it as my background and toss the phone on the side table. I fan myself, why did I deny myself their company tonight? That's right I'm still sore! I take a big gulp of wine and lose myself in the drama.


I'm up at six practically vibrating. Atlas watches me zoom around cleaning my house with a flicking tail. I had breakfast, and two cups of coffee. I may have woken up a little too early. I call my ma knowing she'll be up.

"Layla is that you? It's too early for you to be awake go back to sleep honey."

"Ma! It's opening day!" I screech into the phone, "I can't believe it!"

"Your dad and I are very proud of you sweety. So are you going to tell me about that new guy of yours?"

I freeze, of course she brings that up. "You aren't going to be happy ma." I tell her honestly.

"Why not? I don't care about color or religion you know."

I laugh, "It isn't that simple. I'll send you a picture today."

"That will be lovely, okay I'm at brunch with the ladies I'll call you tonight. Okay love you!"

I grin down at the picture of three of my guys, she's going to freak out. I do a couple of jumping jacks and decide maybe some yoga will help. I pull up a video on youtube and copy the instructor. Trying to calm myself down.

Forty minutes later I'm a lot more calmed down. I text all the guys good morning, and receive four good mornings back plus I'll see you soons. I smile down at my phone then decide to change clothes, to a ruffled blouse and slacks. I hear a knock on the door, I rush over and look out the window first. I see Jessie's truck.

Opening the door I'm grinning, "What are you doing here?"

Jessie grins, pulling me to him with a big kiss. Then he hands me flowers he was hiding behind his back. Their wildflowers, and perfect!

"Thank you Jessie. Come in. Have you eaten? Do you want coffee?"

He chuckles, "I going to assume you already have."

I nod, finding a vase to put the flowers in and place them on the table.

"Well I haven't so for my sake let's go get something." I laugh, "And I can be with you all day today."

"Really? Thank you!" I bounce to him and give him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Maybe not after that." He laughs wiping his face. He rolls his eyes when I pout at him. "Just kidding come here." He kisses me senseless.

Then I snag my keys and pull him out the door. We go to a little place near the mall, I just get a coffee, I feel like Jessie orders the biggest meal on the menu. I can't help my giggles.

"What?" He chuckles back.

"I got used to eating with Jackson. He doesn't eat quite as much."

"Oh I know, he eats like a girl." We both laugh.

By the time he's done eating it's nearly nine. "To the shop?" He says.

"Yes!" I squeal.

I open the door to the mall, relocking it after us, since I don't want to get in trouble again, then I unlock my door and we slip inside. "Okay be honest what does it need?" I tell him biting my lip.

He groans, "You bent over the counter."

I swat at him, "No seriously is there anything that needs rearranging?" I pull down the chairs from the three tables that fill the space.

"It's perfect. I can't wait until we turn on the open sign." He says with a big grin.

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