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"Earth to the aussie boys! I feel like I'm third wheeling." Eric joked.

"Oh but you are." Felix with a smirk on his face, ignoring how his heart was still pounding from Chans words.

"Alright alright don't worry we'll wrap up soon so you guys cant have alone time." Eric raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Chan faced the camera and pointed at it, "Get your mind out of the gutter guys." He shook his head making Felix laugh. He got up and wrapped his arms around Chans shoulders and looked straight at the camera as well.

"Keep those thoughts innocent kids." Felix said with a pout.

The rest of the interview went by normally, their relationship being touched upon from time to time in a wholesome manner. Chan and Felix kept their hands intertwined for the whole durations, Chan slowly stroking Felix's hand.

Felix felt warm, happy, ecstatic to be so close to the person he's been loving for years. Being this intimate with Chan was so new he felt like every cell in his body was about to burst.

Chan couldn't say he felt the same though. He felt so much guilt and confusion for liking the way their hands touched. His hands felt so big around Felix's small ones which he found adorable. Chan was pretty sure he was straight so why would he like hold hands with another guy? His own fellow member to add icing to the cake.

The two went back to Chans dorm to hang out for a bit since the others weren't back from filming yet. Felix's back was laid against Chans bed while the owner of the room sat at his desk. Felix was scrolling on twitter while Chan just looked over some tracks he was working on.

"People are reposting clips from the live we did. Some of these comments are funny." Felix said laughing at the memes under some of the post.

"Oh they definitely fucking"

"Please the way Chan got so happy when he saw Felix"

"Dispatch over here! Do your thang"

The last comment made Felix burst out into laughter making Chan curious now. He climbed on his bed and laid next to the male to see his phone screen.

"Stays are too creative. How do they find all these funny faces of us?" Chan laughed. They laid close scrolling through more comments under their trending hashtag. The shipping wasn't bothering them at all really. Seeing how no one was giving them hate there was no harm being done.

Felix looked to his side and immediately froze when he saw how close his face was to Chans. His face heated up instantly as he admired the little details on the males face. Chan felt Felix's eyes on him, turning over to look at the male.

A smile stretched onto his lips seeing how red Felix's face was. Like this he could see the males freckles even more than he had before.

"I never knew you blushed this much." Chan teased the male, his eyes not leaving the others.

"I'm just embarrassed!" Felix defended himself turning away. Chan reached to turn the youngers head towards him so they were facing each other.

"Hey Felix. Have you ever kissed anyone before?" Chan asked, his hands not leaving Felix's warm cheek.

"W-Well no. Does the cheek count? Then I've kissed all of you!" Felix laughed trying to ease his tension. Chans eye contact was unfaltering. It felt like Felix would be engulfed by under his gaze. Were the feelings mutual? Why else would he be giving him these eyes?

"Nope. I mean here." Chan moved one finger to lightly touch Felix's bottom lip. Chan couldn't say he knew what came over him but Felix just looked so cute.

Felix bit the males finger snapping them out of whatever mood was taking place. They could have done something they would have regretted if things went any further. Chan laughed lightly and got up off the bed.

"Sorry. You just looked really cute." He admitted casually.

"Don't do stuff like that I thought you were gonna eat me!" Felix said sitting up as well.

"Maybe I wanted to"

"Since when do you flirt?"

"Since you became my boyfriend" Chan made finger quotations when saying boyfriend.

Their bickering was interrupted by Changbin barging the door open,

"Oh Chan it was crazy! You weren't there so manager hyung made Minho take over lead position and instead of being tame he abused his power! He made Hyunjin- oh Lix! Am I interrupting something?" Changbin said seeing as Chan and Felix were alone, in a room, doors closed.

"No we were just talking! Don't get any ideas!" Chan walked over to Changbin giving his shoulder a light punch.

"Ow! Jisung help me Chan hit me!" Changbin yelled as he ran away, Chan chasing after him in an attempt to silence the male. Hyunjin peaked his head through Chans door, going in to sit next to Felix.

The freckled boy had a perplexed face on, trying to comprehend what had just occurred.

"I thought we were going to kiss." Felix started looking at his best friend.

"I think theres a chance he actually likes me!"

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