Chapter 4

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Five Weeks Later

"Seriously Aubrey look! My boobs are swollen, and they hurt like fuck." I groaned as I barged into her room in my bra. 

"Ramona put some clothes on." She groaned as she rolled over in her bed.

"No Aubrey look at my boobs now!" I demanded as I walked over to her bed and sat neck to her.

"Ramona come on! Really?! Get out i'm trying to sleep." She groaned.

"Aubreeeeyyy!!!" I squealed as I jumped on her bed to get her up.

"Okay jesus christ i'm up." She said sitting up on her bed with her back against the wall.

"Okay, look at my boobs." I said sitting next to her. 

"They look a little swollen I do admit." She frowned.

"But why?" I laughed.

We laughed about it for a while joking about how big my boobs were and that maybe I was turning into a big boobed monster. Then she looked over at me with wide eyes. "Five weeks" She said waiting for my expression. It took me a minute before it set in but then we both screamed and ran to the bathroom.

"Why for are you girls screaming?" Tony asked as we ran past him.

"Ramona's boobs are swollen!" Aubrey yelled. 

"Aubrey!" He snapped as we reached the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. 

I reached into the cabnet and grabbed the box of three pregnancy tests. I firgued I didn't need to pee on all three of them but Aubrey convinced me it would be best if I did. It was awkward with Aubrey watching me pee and my bladder was being shy. 

"Come on you stupid bladder." I grumbled. 

"Peeeee hurry!" She squealed.

I finally pee'd on all three pregnancy tests, and let myself relax a little bit even though I was secretly really excited. I tried not to show it especially since River and I were not getting along very well. A little part of me hoped that maybe the tests would all turn out negative and I would have an excuse to go over to River's house and have him touch me.

The thought made my body shake with pleasure as I looked over at Aubrey who was counting down until I had to look at the tests. I was worried, sick, excited, all at the same time. I didn't know what I wanted but I knew I wanted to help my family. Tony said if it didn't work with me that they would have to turn to Aubrey, and I didnt want that. Aubrey didn't either. So I was hoping they turned out posative. 

"It's time." She squealed. 

I leaned over the sink looking at the tests that all sat there perfectly not moving with the one sign that would change everything. I glanced at the first one. Posative. A little spring of happiness arose in my body. The next one. Posative. Two posative in a row? That has to mean for sure that i'm pregnant right? But if the last one was negative there could be a chance still. I looked at the last one. 


"Tony!" I yelled as I ran out of the bathroom. 

"What?" He asked confused. 

"I'M PREGNANT!" I squealed as Aubrey jumped up and down with pure joy. 

"Let me call Nate." Tony said basically running down the stairs to his cell phone.


Actually pregnant. Having a baby; River's baby. I knew for sure that I wasn't ready but I was more relieved that Aubrey wouldn't have to go through it and that if anything happened to either of us it would be me. 

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