Teenagers Will Be Teenagers

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Karen; Bella
Bella:(sobs) Yes ma"ma
Karen: Look at me are you pregnant?
Bella: I am
Karen; Oh my God (she sits beside Bella)
Bella: Mommy I am scared I am only 16
Karen: I know baby I know come here
Bella: I don't know what to do
Karen; Shh (Karen holds Bella and then she helps her up)
Bella: Mom I'm sorry
Karen; I'm clean this up we gone talk tho young lady
(Karen cleans up and tells Aaron to take AJ and Celeste to school she calls Fatima)
Fatima:(pulls up and goes in) Hey Karen
Bella: (looks at Fatima) Hey mommy Ti
Fatima: Karen Bella
Karen: Fatima
Fatima: What's going on?
Bella: I'm pregnant (Fatima looks at her and looks at Karen)
Karen: I'm be a grandma
Fatima and Karen lay next to Bella and don't say anything
Bella; I'm sorry daddy gone kill me
Fatima; Yeah he is but we are here for you girl
Karen: We are does PJ know?
(Scene switches to High school)
PJ:Hey Prince
Prince: What up bro you
PJ: So I got tell you something but I don't want to you to flip out
Prince: What's wrong (Makayla walks up)
Makayla: Hey guys where is Bella?
Prince: Not here she got the stomach bug
Makayla: Wow she ain't texting me back cause she got the bug something up
Prince: Like?
Makayla: She and I was suppose to go to the mall after school
PJ: I will take you and then we can go see her
Makayla: Thanks bro In law Prince knows he is wrong he could have volunteered to drive me it be your own blood (bell rings and Makayla heads to class she sees AJ and they sit next to each other Darica walks in with Adam)
Makayla:(turns around) Adam Danica
Danica: Not you talking to my men
Makayla: Your men?
Danica: Yes Adam tell her it's over
AJ: Danica you know that's shady that's your best friend
Danica: Says who just because we grow up together doesn't mean she can have Adam too she can have you Aaron Jr be like your father and turn around
AJ: My father?
Danica: Yes your father stole Karen away from Zac and now her mother is miserable and alone (Makayla stands up)
Makayla: (gets in her face) What did you say bitch?
Danica: I did not sutter bitch (Makayla punches Danica they get to fight and the teacher breaks it up)
Teacher: Let's go Taylor and Rodney
Danica': That bitch punched me
Makayla: I did and I whooped that ass (at the principal office Makayla and Danica parents are called)
Zac: Makayla and Danica
Danica: What?
Makayla; That Bitch started it
Fatima: What you mean?
Calvin; (walks in) Danica lower your tone
Principal: I need to see you and your wife Mr. Rodney
Sabrina:(walks up) Yes
Calvin: Let's go inside
Sabrina: Yeah shall we (the principal shows them the pills)
Calvin: That's it we are sending her to rehab
Principal: So you guys knew about it?
Calvin: Yes we did Sabrina and I knew for almost a month
Sabrina: Our daughter is not well but I thought it would get better
Principal: I see well we got let the authorities know
Sabrina: Authorities?
Principal: We got arrest the person who she got the pills from
Danica:(they look at her) What?
Calvin: Who is your pusher?
Danica: PJ and Prince
Calvin and Sabrina: PJ and Prince?
Danica: Yes white boy and black boy do drugs
Sabrina: Why did you not tell me?
Danica: Cause your don't care about me mom all you care about is fashion and money I need a mom not a personal stylist you to busy making sure I have everything I need for fashion but not when it comes to my health
Calvin: Danica that's not fair
Danica: Don't get me started on you I am hurting (she breaks down and they comfort her)
Principal: Well I need talk to the Taylor's and Horace (Preston and Danni come down to the school)
Danni: Hey Zac and Fatima what's this about
Zac: We got a call about Makayla and Danica and we are just waiting.
Danica: It's bad
Fatima: Makayla fought her
Danni: What why?
Fatima: Sabrina been running her mouth girl duh
Danni: What the hell are you serious?
Principal: (calls them in) Thank you both for coming
Preston; No problem what's this about?
Danni; Yeah me and my husband are very busy
Zac: Yeah what did our children do now?
Danni: Penelope do something I know not PJ
Principal: I am afraid it's about PJ and Prince
Fatima: What did they do?
Principal; I am gone remove them from my school for selling drugs we brought a blood hound in and found this pill
Preston: An illegally search?
Fatima: Yeah you can't do that
Danni: Wait a minute Prince nor PJ sells pills
(Shows them a recording)
Danni: (gets up) What the hell is this?
Prince and PJ Come in with an officer
Preston:(stands up) Have you lost your damn mind PJ
Prince: Man we sorry
Preston: I'm talking to PJ both of you have lost it you have everything you need son
PJ: Dad I'm sorry
Danni; You ain't sorry yet no more you seeing Bella for awhile
Zac: Hm he ain't gone ever see she never marry or date a men that sell drug
Preston: Zac I would not say that don't talk to my son like
Fatima: Zac sit down
PJ: Why can't she?
Preston: PJ son hush
PJ: No dad
Danni: PJ don't you dare disrespect your father
PJ; You don't like the fact I date Bella cause I'm
White and I sold drugs it's problem well I'm in her life rather you like it or no I'm marry your daughter
Zac: You think so
Prince: Dad pleas chill
Zac: Chill you guys might go to jail I ain't chill on shit
Prince: Dad it was my ideal I did not want do it alone Duce and Space set it up
Zac: Dice and Space my old bunk buddies from prison
Prince: You know them?
PJ: I told you they might especially Space
Prince; What the hell
Fatima: We all need go home and talk
Zac: Yeah come on let's go
(They take Prince and PJ home and talk to her)
Preston: (looks at Pj) Son
PJ: Yes Dad?
Danni: You know we are very upset
PJ: I know but it happen I never meant for this to happen
Danni: I know son but why drugs
Preston: Pills at that Pj we raised you better then this
PJ: You did
Ruby: He needs a whoopin
Danni: Mom
Ruby: What PJ and Prince are good boys but they both knew better
Preston; We got the principal to have them do community services
Ruby: That's good are the suspend?
Preston: Yes for two weeks no car and no seeing Bella
PJ: Dad
Danni: Your father is right and besides whatever is your hiding maybe it will expose it self
PJ: Fine well can I have my cellphone?
Preston: Hell no your on lock down
Ruby: Lockdown haha you and Danni should be on lock down.
Danni: Mom
Ruby; Let that boy see Bella you know that's his heart beat
Preston: We are trying to set example
Ruby: Mhmm and he gone sneak and do better yet danniella would let him do it when you leave
Penelope and Princess walk in

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