Make a Decision

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Karen: Fatima I'm sorry.
Fatima: Thanks I got to go.(heads in the Country Club to meet Layla.)
Layla: Hey my sweet girl Fatima how are you?
Fatima: Good what about you I'm so glad to see you.
Layla: Me too I was so happy when I got a message from you about let's have lunch girl I been missing our talks.
Fatima: Meet too I was like woah Zac took the baby for me I need a break.
Layla: No I had wanted to see him I had got somethings for him.(hands her the bag)
Fatima: You always buying him stuff I appreciate it thank you your welcome.
Layla: You excited about the wedding?
Fatima: Yes I can't wait honestly what about you?
Layla: I am happy for you baby whoever you marry.
Fatima: You talking to me?
Layla: Why do you say that?
Fatima: Hayden your son?
Layla: Oh I see.
Fatima: I'm head to the bathroom right quick.
Layla: Okay I will be right here.(Fatima heads to the restroom she uses the bathroom. And washes her hands and leaves the restaurant. She sees Hayden he ask to talk to her for a minute.)
Hayden: Can we step in here please?
Fatima: Hayden.
Hayden: Just a minute.
Fatima: What you get a minute now what is it little midget.
Hayden: I know your getting married on Saturday.
Fatima: Is this what this about?
Hayden: Yes Fatima now I want know something.
Fatima: Hayden your passing me off.
Hayden: Will you marry me instead I mean we had history for God sake we had sex with each you loved it when I use to give you head remember.(smiles)
Fatima: What the fuck I don't love you at all.
Hayden: You use to like me before Zac came along.
Fatima: Hayden Anthony Moss.
Hayden: You could been Mrs. Hayden Moss and you and I could been a thing I'm the reason your mother gave you your 15 million dollars I told her you know you was wrong I did some digging your grandma left you more then what they told you and I'm willing to share that information if you leave Zac and you come marry me cause I don't want live without you before Zac we was friends remember what Ian did too you I should never left you I would been who you wanted to be with now.
Fatima: Hayden you sound pathetic you were such a strong dude very smart and highly intelligent but when it came to us it did not work we tried.
Hayden: It was the sex Fatima I can get better I know that I am a better men then Zac he is gone loses it all Tony won't stop her and her husband are back together.
Fatima: How do you know you was the one that called the bitch.
Hayden: I did Fatima because I need you to see look at me your not looking Fatima.
Fatima: Why are you even talking to me.
Hayden: Because I want what we had back the friendship that turns into a relationship.(he leans in to kiss Fatima.)

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