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A few weeks past and it's Halloween all the kids get dressed up and Karen Andi Danni Sabrina Pam all take the kids to get candy:

Landon: Auntie K
Karen: Yes baby?
Landon: Can we call my mommy?
Karen: (looks at Vivian) Uhh
Andi: Let's go trick or treating baby come on (Andi picks up Landon)
Vivian: Thanks Karen for everything Fatima been taking some time to herself
Karen: I know I miss and the kids do too
Zac and Elise walk in
Zac: Hey everyone (Karen walks out and Zac follows her)
Karen: I don't want talk?
Zac: Good cause you can listen I'm sorry Karen me and Fatima are over
Karen: You always say that like why do you come bother me
Zac: Karen we have a child together
Karen: Zac I'm tell you this once you are not a good person you need fix this Fatima loves
Zac: So we ain't gone mentioned she cheated on me
Karen: You got it big dog you got it (Karen walks away and Zac goes back in the kitchen)
Vivian: Zac can we talk?
Zac: Sure

Vivian:(go in the room) Zac I'm not gone fuss about my daughter but if your truly done don't go back this time let Fatima be and I mean that shit I mean that shut a whole heartily.
Zac: Yes ma"ma ( Zac joins the ladies in taking the kids door to door and they go back to Vivian house and watch scary movies and check the candy for the kids)

Andi: They got more candy then they did last year
Danni: And did I'm excited for this babies
Karen: Me too
Sabrina: Has anyone talked to Fatima
Amdi: Nope Karen have you?
Pam and Karen: We both have
Danni: You guys shit (water breaks)
Karen: Oh my gosh get the car someone
(They get Danni in the car and call Preston)

Preston:(on the phone) I'm on the next flight home
Alicia:(in the background) What's going on?
Preston: Danni is in labor
Alicia: We got to go (they head to the airport)

Gate Clerk: Hello Welcome to Delta how May I help you?
Preston: Hi I need to get on the next flight
Gate Clerk: I'm sorry sir but all planes will be delayed due to weather conditions
Alicia: No one is flying out?
Gate Clerk: Or in I do apologize the next flight is tomorrow morning or that evening we are going by the weather
Preston: What about a rental car?
Gate Clerk: No sir it's a tornado coming
Alicia: Damn we can't chances that
Preston: I will be fine I will go I can't miss the birth of my son
Alicia: Preston I know you don't want miss it but Danni needs a live husband not a dead one
Preston: I will be fine
Alicia: I will not let you come on (they go sit down and Preston FaceTime Danni)

Danni: Hi baby (Andi Karen Pam and Sabrina all
Try to comfort Danni)
Preston: I'm sorry I'm not there to hold you
Danni: It's fine baby I'm okay I got my girls you just get here when you can I love you so much I'm be okay I love you
Preston: I love you too (they stay on the phone until Danni drifts off to sleep)
Alicia: Your gone be fine baby bro
Preston: I am (the wind picks up and starts raining really hard services get disconnected)

Scenes switches to Zac Aaron Calvin Curtis and Niles:

Niles: This kids are active
Calvin: Ain't they always
Nile's: True they are especially my sons Jesus
Zac: Do you want anymore?
Niles: Maybe one more and that's it
Vivian: Hey guys
Aaron: Hey Mrs. Vivian
Vivian: I got it from here why don't you guys go to the hospital for Danni
Calvin; You guys go I will stay here with the kids
Niles: That's fine come on fellas (they get in the car and Nile's drives)

Zac: Oh this my shit turn it up (Nile's and Zac jam and Aaron calls Karen)

Karen;(on the phon) She sleep right now
Aaron; That's good we are on the way
Karen: Okay see you soon
(They pull up at the hospital and get out and wait a few hours later)

Karen: Oh Danni he is so precious
Danni: He is
Fatima:(walks in) Hey ladies
Danni: Fatima (reaches out her arms)
Fatima: Hey mama
Karen: Hey Fatima how are you?
Fatima: I am alive baby I am
Danni: Good to see you
Sabrina; It is good to see you
Pam: Glad your here Fatima
Andi; Hi Fatima (sits next to Karen)
Pam: Do you have to be bitch
Danni: Hey don't wake up my son shit take that shit outside
Fatima: It's fine Pam
(Sit next to Pam)
Karen: Andi excuse me (gets up to hug Fatima)
Fatima: Thanks girl(whispers)

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