Daddy and Me Time

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A week has pass and Bella and Zac decided to have a heart to heart:

Fatima: You ready?
Zac: I am but I don't know what she wants to ask me
Fatima: Tell her the truth baby Bella loves you so go ahead (Zac head's downstairs and gets in the car)

Bella:(pulls up and gets in the car) Hey dad
Zac: What's up you good?
Bella: I am thanks for this where is Makayla?
Zac: At the house she wanted me and you to have one on one.
Bella: I see daddy so I have a lot questions
Zac: I know you do and I'm answer them all but first we got go somewhere.
Bella: Cool where?
Zac: Just ride with your old men okay
Bella: Okay dad (they pull up at North Atlanta Memorial Park)
Zac; Can you get out with me?
Bella: Sure (they get out)
Zac: I want take you somewhere I have not took anyone not even your siblings
(Looks at a tombstone)
Bella: Who is Isaiah?
Zac:(starts to cry) It's your brother Isaiah he was still born he was my first child that me and your mother had
Bella: I'm not the first child?
Zac: No me and your mother went thru a lot I cheated on her and she talked me so bad but in the beginning your mother was so nice to me but I meet a girl and had sex with her it went down hill after that your mother last your brother right after she caught me cheating
Bella: Oh my gosh daddy
Zac: Karen and I did a lot mean and hateful things to each other a lot things I am not proud to admit
Bella; Mommy won't tell me anything she says I got a good daddy
Zac; Karen has healed and changed a lot I'm proud she is your mother Bella.
Bella: She said you changed a-lot
Zac: She is right
Bella; So that's why you and her not together?
Zac: Yes we moved on it was hard at first for both of us and then your mother well it's a-lot I won't say but your mother was a trip but she healed and I'm glad she did
Bella: Me too her and mommy Ti relationship is top tier
Zac: It is baby girl I love it they both have went thru rock ish together
Bella: They have but daddy whatever happen between you and mommy is none of my business I can see it's still painful I love you daddy and I want us to have a good relationship your always good in my book.

Zac and Bella embrace and head out to eat and go to the movies then they head home.

Makayla: Bella yes just in time for a facial
Bella: Oh yes
Fatima: I want one too shit
Bella: Your skin is flawless mommy Ti you don't need one
Fatima: Yes I do I got wrinkles
Zac: Where? I don't see em
Fatima: You know what I'm talking about
Makayla; Eww please no
Landon: Mommy can I buy this
Zac: No you need to get a job
Landon: That's why I asked mommy
Fatima: Landon?
Landon; Mommy please?
Bella: Landon Zachary Taylor
Landon: Will you buy it?
Bella: How much?
Landon: 50
Bella; Boy what?
Landon: Please
Bella: Okay cash app sent
Landon; Thanks sis (heads upstairs)

Bella Fatima gets there facials done and Prince and Zac talk about cars.

Prince: So I can get a G wagon?
Zac; Thank your sister she came up with the ideal
Prince: Your the best old men
Zac: I got your old
Prince: I'm tell ma
Zac: No she wants a new car she ain't getting one
Makayla: I want a car too
Prince: You can't drive
Makayla: I can drive better then your dumb a
Fatima: Makayla?
Makayla:Chill lady I did not cuss
Zac: Aye don't say lady that's your mother (they all watch a movie and then head to bed)

Fatima: Zac so how did it go
Zac: It went good we had a long conversation she proud of me I go talk to Karen tomorrow you remember right?
Fatima: Zac I always do (she cuddles with him)
Zac: Come on do something special
Fatima: My tooth hurting
Zac: Real Fatima?
Fatima: Goodnight baby (they kiss and drift off to sleep)

Makayla: So have you and PJ ever had sex?
Bella; No why?
Makayla: I was just wondering
Bella: You ain't is you?
Makayla: Eww no
Bella: Better not (Prince walks in)
Prince: What you girls talking about?
Bella: Life baby bro
Prince: We only a few months apart you act like you a whole year old then me
Bella: But I am the oldest
Makayla: Yup but anyway let's sneak out the house
Bella: And die no
Prince: I love my freedom so we good we start back to school on Monday so it's okay we won't be so bored.
Bella: Right let's go play video games
Prince: I'm down with that

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