I Want My Women Back

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Fatima Karen Andi Pam Danni and Sabrina all take the kids skating

Pam: Makayla getting big
Fatima: She is
Pam: You and Zac gone have another baby?
Fatima: No I'm done (Fatima smiles at her phone)
Pam: Zac?
Fatima: Tre he wants to come see me in Texas
Pam: Why tho you be home in a few days
Fatima: I know that I'm telling him that mama
(Zac Preston Calvin and Aaron all pull up at the skating rink)
Preston (pulls Zac to the side) You did good
Zac: You want a cookie shit we ain't no kids of course he got on my damn nerves tho
Preston: You guys need squash that for Bella sake and  Makayla and Prince Hell all our kids
Zac: You're right I'm talk to Fatima this I'm save our marriage
Preston: Good cause I don't want you two getting a divorce
Zac: You whipped by Danni
Preston:  What no I'm being a friend you need one this day and age (Zac and Preston walk in and Zac goes to Fatima)
Fatima: Zac Preston Calvin and Aaron what are you doing here
Zac : Coming to see you
Fatima: Why tho I was gone be home in aw few days
Zac: Shit I missed my wife
Fatima: Well I don't miss you

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