together | 34

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you stumbled out of your bed as you made your way to your bathroom

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you stumbled out of your bed as you made your way to your bathroom. splashing cold water on your face as you took in everything that had just happened. the memories now stuck in your mind as you remembered every little detail. 

a tear you didn't even notice, splashed on the counter. so many things were just happening and it was just too much. a sigh escaping your lips as you took note of the way you looked like shit right now. a chuckle escaping your lips and a small smile but that smile soon faded quickly once you realized that you would be facing them tomorrow for food. 

with a little groan you plopped your head on the counter, the sound echoing in the room which only made you giggle but completely stop once the thought of seeing them once more went through your mind. 

"shut the fuck up y/n, you're gonna meet them someday." you cursed yourself while you threw your head back, another groan making its way out of you. ignoring everything that's going in your mind, except them. 

a little giggle escaping you as you walked to your room. once you made it inside, you immediately hopped on the bed, dreamland engulfing you the second you had cuddled with your pillow. 


you stared at yourself in the mirror, as your phone was in your hand, the message from kuina still being there. you didn't know how to exactly feel at the moment. 

"it's just as a thank you gift y/n, just a thank you gift, nothing more." you calmed yourself and forced a smile on your face while walking out. music blasting in your car when you made your way to the place. a  grin on your face while you sang along to the music. not caring about how loud you exactly were, but your moment was interrupted with a call. which made you groan but then groan even more and frown at the contact name. 

"what do you want yuina." your voice was clear that you didn't at all wanna hear from her, which made her sigh as she then continued to say, "i... i know your answer to this already but could you possibly meet father tomorrow?" with a sarcastic laugh you sighed and then answered, "you know the answer yuina, no." and with that you didn't even hesitate to hang up. a smile playing on your lips as you did so. knowing full well she grew annoyed and frustrated. 

ignoring her, you then stepped out of the car and walked to the place. a satified hum escaping you when you saw the group there. all waiting for you. you waved at them and entered the restaurant. 

with a few greetings being shared, the table was now quiet. nobody saying a thing and finally usagi broke the silence. "god this is awkward." and you nodded in agreement as a giggle escaped your lips while you took a sip of the iced water. she smiled at you and you smiled back. 

"how's everyone's been?" usagi questioned while she took a sip of her own drink, looking at everyone but mostly you in particular. 'good' and 'okay' were sounded in your table and you chuckled at how dry it sounded. but who are you to talk? you yourself also sounded like a robot and as dry as them but how else was one to answer a question? 

"you ever thought of your answer?" niragi was straight forward and you widened your eyes in shock. not expecting that type of question just yet, and so was everyone else. staring at the black haired man with wide eyes. everyone cleared their throats and he himself scoffed while folding his arms. "i... uhm... did actually." you replied which only shocked them even more. 

niragi grinned and just like everyone else in the table, they waited for your answer. "i feel the same way." relieved sounds were shared and so were cheers which shocked you and made you chuckle while looking over at them with a smile. feeling genuinely happy at the moment. who in the world wouldn't though? 

conversations were finally rising and you smiled at that. talking with arisu and ann, who were the closest to you. 

"how long exactly have you been working as a doctor?" you thought deeply and then a few seconds passed as you finally answered, "three or four years? not sure, but not too long." they smiled at your answer and you had gained chishiya's interest with your answer. although you always have gained his interest, no matter what you did. 

with a few more questions being asked, food was finally in front of all of you. a hum escaping you, the second you had shoved food in your mouth. 

the rest of the day was filled with nothing else but happiness. you all talked about your relationship and you guys decided on taking it slow but some were rather reluctant with the idea. not wanting to take it slow and rather quick, which made you laugh and blush. oh the effect you had on them is crazy. 

you're currently holding hands with kuina and ann. both not wanting to let go. niragi and maybe a couple more didn't like sharing that much but considering it was you... they would share without trouble. they all respected your decision of wanting to be with all of them and they were nothing but glad. in all honesty they didn't know exactly how they all would feel if you only chose one of them but that thought wasn't something to think about now, after all you're all here, standing and walking side by side, together. 

it was currently the time in which you all separated, going home to be exact. the two women didn't at all wanna let go of you which made you giggle while blushing furiously. kuina finally let go of you and hugged you while giving you a quick peck on the lips while winking at you and walking off. leaving you stunned. ann smirked and did the exact same thing. you were sure your face was red by now. 

with a nervous chuckle you cleared your throat and waved them goodbye. arisu and usagi both were quite shy, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead and cheek while walking off with another wave, not leaving without complimenting you. it made your heart flutter. 

now it was only the two men left. not saying a word as they just stood beside you. you looked at them confused, waiting for them to say something or walk off. but they didn't, they simply stood, quiet and still. the only thing being heard was the sound of the trees and some people talking and vehicles driving, anything but the three of you talking was heard. 

the wind blew harshly and you almost stumbled, a shiver running down your spine, as your goosebumps appeared. niragi smiled faintly and unzipped his jacket before giving it to you, shocking you. 

"you're cold aren't you? here, just take it." with a chuckle you finally took the jacket, with a smile and a your cheeks being red.  you thanked him and gave him a big smile as he gave one back to you. giving your lips a soft kiss before walking off. not without ruffling your hair. now it officially is you and chishiya left. 

you looked at him and gave him a smile and he returned one back. sighing and walking closer to you, which made your heart skip a beat. he stared into your e/c orbs and didn't look away. he gripped on your shoulders gently then pulled you into him. giving you a hug, you could hear how fast his heart was beating and you chuckled, hugging him back. 

"you don't have to do this chishiya, i can tell it's out of your comfort zone." he chuckled at what you said and patted your back while humming, "i'd do anything out of my comfort zone for you y/n." your heart skipped a beat at that and you sighed while looking up as he looked down. 

"i could say the same for you, for all of you." he smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss on those lips of yours. you were sure he could hear your heart beating, as it was rather loud. he smirked and finally let go while staring into your e/c orbs once more, leaving but before doing so. 

"i love you y/n." 

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