do i? | 10

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chisiya and y/n both have been in the library for a good amount of time now

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chisiya and y/n both have been in the library for a good amount of time now. silence only being shared between the two while they sat next to each other. 

her paper now filled with notes to help her know what a friend is once again. it's not stupid but chisiya found it amusing, seeing y/n study and take notes about friendship possibly because of usagi and arisu. 

chisiya would steal glances and slightly smile as he watched y/n's eyebrows furrow in either confusion or frustration. it definitely was an amusing sight to see. she didn't even bother to scoot far away once again and just stayed in the same position. 

she could tell chisiya would look over at her with a little smile playing on his lips. it didn't bother her but it did slightly make her awkward. he was making it very obvious with the fact he kept looking at you each 5 minutes, repeatedly at that. 

it wasn't like chisiya was just here to look at y/n like some stalker or creep. he actually was reading too. not taking notes though. he was actually trying to find out what is happening to her, after seeing her cough up blood so violently. 

seems like she had pneumonia. he didn't know whether she was in a severe case but nonetheless he still read about it and took notes. in his room right now, on his table lay a notebook filled with treatments for pneumonia. 

if y/n's case isn't so severe then she could heal easily here in the beach, with just eight cups of water everyday and rest. 

a groan was heard and chisiya looked over at the h/c haired woman next to him, a slight brow raised as she flew her hair back and once again groaned. chisiya couldn't help the chuckle escaping his lips as she groaned once again.  

hearing the chuckle y/n fixed her position and gave a glare to chisiya who only watched in amusement with a smirk on his face. 

ignoring his look sent towards her, she then looked down at his now close book and widened her eyes at the book cover. 

"why are you reading about pneumonia?" chisiya looked down at his book and shrugged. not really feeling like he wants to answer her question as he knows it's pretty much about her. 

"i found it interesting, nothing much." the answer didn't convince her that much, narrowing her eyes down at the male and letting out a hum. finally standing up and stretching her hands, she smiled down at the blonde who still sat on the chair, looking up at her. 

the way he had looked at her made her feel something but she continued to ignore the feeling and gulped while shaking her head. 

"i'll be off now, go and continue studying or whatever about pneumonia." y/n giggled, causing the man to slightly smile and look down. 

while she continued to walk off into who knows where, chisiya looked at her with those sparkles in his eyes. it was as if he had those heart eyes whilst he looked at her. 

it was only a few minutes before chisiya decided to take his leave too. placing the book back to where it belonged as he knew he wouldn't need it anymore. considering he had everything he needed in that little notebook he has.

chisiya continued to walk around, finding the place rather boring now and wanting to leave. he was about to head into his own room until the voice of kuina stopped him. 

"were you with her?" chisiya didn't even bother to turn his body around, he simply let out a smirk and shrugged his shoulders. kuina letting out a sigh and shaking her head while her fake cigarette lay in her mouth. 

"if you like her just say so." the smirk he once had plastered on his face now gone. he shut his eyes close and took a deep breath in before sighing and finally looking over at kuina. she looked at him with her eyes slightly narrowed. chisiya simply answered with a no while looking straight into kuina's eyes. he didn't know whether his answer was a lie or not. sure he found her interesting but did he at all like her in that way? he didn't know. he made himself believe he didn't like her, knowing the risks of it. liking and dating someone in a world like this? 

maybe if y/n and chisiya were in the normal world then maybe he would like her and admit to it without having to worry she would die or get herself killed. 

kuina shrugged her shoulders at his answer, knowing the full truth of it and just left. not saying another word. 

after she took her leave chisiya went in his room and flopped on his bed while thinking about the question kuina asked. 

did he like her or did he not? 

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