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Authors POV-

He was running when suddenly he came to see a figure lying in the grass and blabbering something while looking at the sky. He went closer to find it was Haeyeon. A relief came to his mind when he saw her.

Jin's POV-
I was running like a mad dog when I found her lying on the grass and blabbering something to the sky. I went near and lie down beside her. I don't know how she realized it was me!
Haeyeon said," Isn't it pretty?
Looking upwards I saw the sky filled with stars. "yes , it is!" I replied.
"Say hello to mumma and papa and that cute little bub too!" She said.
"Huhh?" I asked. "Areh...those three stars over there..see?(pointing to the ones which were shining bright than the other) that's mumma....beside her papa...and in the middle my little sister! They told me I'm looking beautiful today. I told them that you kinda forced me to wear this and they were laughing at this. I guess they're in your side now MR.Wwog! Butttttttt tell me one thing" while getting up and sitting almost idly. I also got up and hold her so that she don't fall. " teellll me one thingggg...why am I feeling dizzy?? Ya KIM SEOKJIN did you mix anything on that juice? I'm literally seeing stars in my hands right now!" She said while smiling like a maniac.
That smile! I thought I had the prettiest smile as I am WWH. But damnn! This girl right here..she doesn't smile usually...but when she makes my heart beat triple times faster than the usual one!  I swear I would do anything to see her smile daily. It's so addictive like I could stare at her for the whole the whole day...for my whole damn life.
"See ,Kim Seokjin I can fit a moon in my hand," she said.
"That's quite impossible Hae, you can't do that, I replied. " I can and I'll show you, see," saying this she cupped my face with her hands. " "See....this is the moon" she said with a smile.
I was too stunned to say anything. Literally anything at that moment. She cupping my face, her eyes sparkling , and the curved lips which had a beautiful smile. Anything is unreal but this ...this moment....she.. everything is real...magical.
After a good 5 minutes of staring at each other she said, " Jin I'm hungry! Can you pleaaasseee get me some fooodddd," she emphasized on the words please and food. "Cute" I muttered.
" let's go comeone, we'll go back to the company and have food there, common" I said while picking her up.
"Yeyyy.....I'm going to have foooddd," she said while giggling like a 5 year old kid.
I can't believe she can be like this ever after consuming alcohol. She'll not believe at all after she comes in senses about what she's doing now.
"Jin, what are they doing?" She said while pointing out at a couple who were about to kiss.
"Daebak! They're going to kiss Jin .. lesss go and see them ...come-on!" Saying this she started running towards them.
"Damn it! Haeyeon stop...come here...Haeyeon..." I Called her but all in vain.
" yahh guys are kissing! Awwehhhh....are you lovers? Okay but that's not how you do see you've to hold her waist by one hand and the other should cup her face, do it nowww!" She said to the couple who gave her a confused and quite an irritating look.
"I'm so sorry... actually she's drunk! I'm really sorry, you guys carry one please! Haeyeon come let's go," I said while pulling her.
" ya Jin let's show them. See like this", saying this she took one of my hand and cupped her face and the other one she put on her waist. " do it like this , I saw in the dramas..... they become more interesting this way...come-on give it a try," she said to them.
Stunned for the second time I was looking at her. My one hand on her face cupping her and the other on her waist. This should be something unreal for real. What the heck is happening. Why my heart's beating so fast? Damn it! Why this has to be so beautiful? I literally can see the most beautiful sight in front of my eyes! Which is! "Haeyeon" I suddenly had the urge to pull her closer and I did. She didn't realize of our close proximity and all of a sudden she said, " yeeyyy! That's it," I saw the other side and the couple were practically kissing.
Haeyeon was about to say something when I hold her and took away from them.
" Jin did you see....isn't it beautiful? Omyy gooodddnnnesss I'm hungry againnnnn.....where's my rameon? I want rameyon....nowwww!" She whinned like a kid.
Sometimes I don't understand her mood. Like for real she can go from being romantic to a kid in a span of time.


Ok so I thought I won't be getting any feedbacks but damnn I got more reads. Thankyou so much beautiful who are reading. I love you all... I thought to finish this within this year but I was too busy with my academic works. Now that I'm free.... I'll end it soon.
Thankyou for the reads!❣️ I will be more happy if you leave you're feedbacks in the comment section. Stay safe and healthy y'all!🤧❣️
Iloveyou all.

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