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"I know I'm handsome but that doesn't mean you'll keep staring at me in public," Jin said while coming closer. You snapped out your thoughts and blinked your eyes for a good 5 seconds. "Don't forget you're WWOG," you said. "And I was not looking because your handsome.I was just counting the wrinkles of your face,"you told and smirked.
"Excuse me! Wrinkles are for old guys and I'm forever young! so I think you need to do a check up of your eyes! That way you can clearly see my handsome face!!" Jin said. "I'm least interested to see your handsome face Mr Kim,"you said. "Meany!!" Jin said.
"what???what did you just say?" You asked.
"what? That's what you are,"Jin said.
" Mr. Ki…."
" Ahh you guys are always fighting like children!!" Haelmoni came and said."She started it Haelmoni!" Jin said." No,he started it," you budged.

"Ok,ok stop now!!" Haelmoni said while laughing." You both can sit on that side," Haelmoni said while pointing to a direction. It was cozy enough and you thought  it to be a good side as you didn't want to get notice by the other people. Ofcourse as it will create chaos. "Thankyou Haelmoni," Jin said.

You both went to that area and sat down. After a while a boy came and took your order. Jin ordered the couple platter as discount was available on that.

He took off his mask but kept the cap. You began to look here and there as you didn't want to get noticed by public.
"Chill miss altrui, nobody's gonna notice us. We're almost sitting  at the corner of the restaurant," Jin said. You're taken aback by his words.

The food came and to your amaze it was a lot.

                     (The food)

You stared at this much food and asked Jin, "Don't you think these are a lot! We can't finish it!,"
"For you maybe!" Jin said while laughing. "Ha ha,very funny!" You said imitating him.

You started eating and Jin helped you in finishing the food. It was actually a lot of food. 

After finishing the food:

You got a call from an unknown number all of a sudden so you decided to pick it up.

"I need to take this call. Please just stay here till I'm back," you said to Jin.
"I'm not a baby Haeyeon," Jin said. "For now pretend to be a baby just like we're pretending to be a couple. So please don't go anywhere till I come back," you said firmly.
"Ok,ok My Lady!! I will sit here only," Jin said but face palmed himself after a while remembering what he just said. Your cheeks turned red after listening the word "My Lady" and you looked everywhere but not in his eyes.
"Ac…actually…. Haelmoni you see there she's watching and smiling ye…yeahh I was pretending," Jin said while fumbling. You didn't say anything and got up to take the call.

Jin's Pov:
Aissh Kim Seokjin whats wrong with you. How can you say this so easily??why did you even say this!!!!ahhh!!! Guess I will go crazy after sometime!! But it did sound good! Felt good!!

Aissh again Kim Seokjin whats wrong!!!!!

Authors POV:

Meanwhile he didn't realize that he was smiling like an idiot. Haeyeon took the call but she was unable to hear anything from the other side. So she went out of the restaurant to take the call.

Haeyeon's Pov:

"Hello, who's this?" No reply.
"hello!!!can you hear me??" You said again.
"I see Mr.Kim is having a great time with his manager that too without any bodyguard!" A voice came from the other side and you could feel the smirk in his voice.
Shivers ran down your spine after hearing his words.
"Who the hell are you?",you angrily asked.
"Doesn't matter because I've nothing to do with you lady. I must admit you're brave enough to bring them out without body guards after the cat aka yoongi incident happened!" He said and laughed.
"Who the fuck are you??
"Ohoo…calm down calm down. You have a very hot temper. I like it!" He said and smirked.
"Ok so  this time I'm going to go easy as I liked your hot version but next time I won't hesitate to do any thing. And you know very well of what I'm capable to do," he said and cut the phone.

"Heyy!!!what the…" you couldn't finish your words and the call cut. You're beyond shocked to listen to the caller. Your hands were becoming cold and you ran fast inside the restaurant to get Jin and head back towards the dorm.

But when you entered the restaurant you couldn't find him. Another shock came to you. Your eyes began to search him every corner of that restaurant. You tried to call him but you found he left his phone on the table. Many negetive thoughts were coming in mind because what the caller said on phone wasn't just a mere saying. Yoongis incident was flashing in your mind. You didn't want to think any bad things but still they were coming like storm. You began to rub your hands and suddenly you started to have breathing problem. Thats what happens when you're in tension. You began to breathe heavily. Seeing you this tensed Haelmoni came to you and asked what happened. You asked her if she saw Jin any where and that he left his phone too. She said she didn't see him but also added that he must be somewhere outside specially where everyones flying up their wish lantern. 

You went outside running and didn't hear that Haelmoni was calling you from behind.

"Please be ok!!!please be ok!!!" You're constantly saying and running here and there. You came to the place which was a little bit far from the restaurant.

It was a nice place with a small lake and everyones either sitting there with the lanterns or walking beside the lake.

You went beside the lake, you even budged in every groups, you even budged into a kissing couple as you thought the guy was Jin because he was wearing the same t-shirt as him.

"What the…!!"the girl shouted almost. "I'm really sorry!" You said while catching your breath.

You stopped at a place not so far from the crowd to catch your breath. "Where are you Mr.Kim!!!where are y.." you were saying and at that moment a child ran into you by pushing you. You weren't ready at all so you just fell backwards.

Happy Friday beautiful people.♥️💐 I hope you guys are doing great. I'm so sorry to update this late as I'm busy with my academics as always.🥲
So it's here...
Enjoy reading.💁

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