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Jin’s Pov:

“Oh..Haeyeon is here. But wait….nooooo I mean why does she have to tie namjoon. I mean that’s ok. What am I talking???? Are you mad wide???ohh wait a minute. What are they talking about and why is she laughing? Don’t tell me?? they both are laughing!!!!!why????they are standing too close to each other!!!! Why is she smiling like hell today???that too with him??? I never saw namjoon cracking any dad jokes just like my ones!!then what could it be?? Wait a minute …..what are you talking about jin???why am I talking like this?? Whats this feeling??? I mean why do I care if she’s laughing with namjoon?? Aahhhhhhh….what is this feeling??this is so frustrating!!!!! I think I need some chocolate drink.” Jin thought.

“Haeyeon??can you come here for a second?”jin said. “Yes, sure?” you said. “what is it?” “Can you give me a chocolate drink? Actually I’m pretty thirsty and I’m craving for it,” jin said. “im bringing it in a minute!”you said and went out. “jin hyung seriously?? Chocolate drink??just before the performance?” namjoon whined. “YAA… whats wrong in that. I am just thirsty!”Jin said. “Ya ya pretty thirsty he was to distract Haeyeon from Namjoon,” yoongi said which was audible to Jin. Jin glared to Yoongi. “what?” namjoon asked. “Nothing,” yoongi said and smiled. Meanwhile you came with a chocolate drink and gave it to Jin. He took it and drank it in a minute. “So boys are you ready??” one of the staff member came and asked. “yes, we are” namjoon said. “Guys, come everyone,” namjoon called out everyone. Then they did their group hug and the one thing they do always before going to stage. You were so happy at that time seeing them together.

The boys performed with their best in the stage and the loud voice of the army’s were echoing throughout the whole stadium. Of course because of the love and dedication the boys showered for them. You were amazed to see this scenario as it was your first time watching this live. The love the admiration was all real. Among all of them your eyes were stuck to one specific person but you don’t know why. You just couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was looking so ethereal, so beautiful. The epitome of perfection. You couldn’t help but stare at him during the performance too. There’s one thing for sure that this specific person has the ability to flutter your heart just by his small appearance. You couldn’t figure out what’s the reason of it. It’s the first time you’re experiencing something like this. The connection that keeps you in dilemma is unknown to you. Does he feels the same? You were thinking. And obviously you were thinking about Jin. But there’s something that keeps telling you that whatever it is you can’t feel it. You don’t have the right to feel it. After staring a lot and having a conflict with your mind you again started to focus on your work.

Meanwhile the performance ended and the boys came backstage being all tired and exhausted. They were taking rests but jin’s eyes were looking for someone. 

Someone who’s eyes were his favorite, whose appearance can make his all the tiredness go away. He doesn’t know why even after being so exhausted he was searching for you in his mind. Of course he was looking for you but as you were busy with your work you couldn’t come.

After the concert everyone headed back in the dorm.

The second and the third day of the concert also went tremendously good. 

Everything was going smoothly in your daily life. You were working with them and to be honest it was listed in your good days of your life. But something was definitely off as you are here for a mission and there’s no such occurrences of anything that will lead the mission. 

Chinese new year eve:

The time if the Chinese new year came around and everyone including the members and the staffs of hybe were about to take a day off. But there was a slight problem of the recording of one of the member. So on emergency basis he had to go to record the music again that too on the holiday. And you were assigned as his partner as Moon(SungJae) went with Leam for another work. You were in a dilemma to go with him or not. You also thought of sending the gaurds with him but you couldn’t take risk for the previous happenings of yoongi. So keeping your restless mind aside you decided to go with him. You were feeling restless as the member was none other than Kim Seokjin. The one who accelerate the beat of your heart just by his appearance. “no Haeyeon, it’s not the time to think of all this things,” you thought.

Hi beautifuls....I promise to end this soon.
I get busy with my academic works.🙃Please stay by my side untill this ends. I promise to make this more interesting for you.💫

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