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On the other hand, the same day at a secret place:

“Excuse me, you have a parcel,” someone said. Person 1 taking the big box said “sorry but we didn’t order anything.” “Take it, maybe boss ordered something,” Person 2 said. “I guess so.” They were talking to each other and in the meantime the person who brought the parcel went away. They turned around but saw no one. “where did he go?” “I don’t know,” person 1 said. “let’s take it the boss. It’s not giving a good vibe,” person 2 said. “let’s go,” person 1 said. And they both went to an underground place to their boss.

“boss someone came with this box and said that we have a parcel. Did you order anything?” person 1 said. “No! what is in it?” boss whom they were addressing asked. “we don’t know. The boy who came just vanished in a second,” person 2 said. “keep it in the table. we have to check it,” their boss said.

“dhupp..dhupp..” a sound from the box came. “whoww whoww what the heck is this,” person 1 said. “just stay away, I’m going to check it,” “but boss…” “STAY AWAY..” their boss said pointing them a finger. Then he went near the box and peeked through the small whole which was in the box. “It’s looking like a white thing...” the boss said. “Shall we call someone?” person 1 said. “no need. Give me a scissor to cut the tape,” boss said. “here boss” person 2 said. Then the boss cut the tape carefully and opened the box slowly as they weren’t sure what was going to happen after opening it. Slowly opening a part of the box the boss peaked inside and heard a sound, “Meow…” “is it a cat? Person 2 said. “yes,” the boss said. Taking gently from the box with his hand he placed it in the table. It was a cute cat inside the box but there was a question why would anyone send a cat in a box. A girl entered the room and was addressed by person 1 “Good morning. Boss Lini.” “lini you have to check this out,” the boss said. “What is it?” lini asked. “who’s cat is this?” lini asked taking the cat in her embrace. “Someone send it,” the boss said. “without any note?” lini asked. “um hm..” the boss said while nodding his head. “if there isn’t any note it surely must be them,” lini said. “I feel the same too,” the boss said. “what should we do now?” the boss added. “take this cat for the tests and I think we should inform them about it,” lini said. “Shall I send pictures of it to them?” the boss asked. “Yes, send it to both of them and tell them to meet soon,” lini said. “Ok,” the boss said.

Lini in mind, “what the hell did they mean by this cat. Agggghhhrrr..”

Present day at Hybe:

You and Sungjae were working on setting the schedules. It’s going to be a very tight schedule as they have their comeback in the recent months also some of them had their solo ones. So you have to work a lot during these days. You and sungjae both were working that you didn’t even notice the time. It was past 10 and nor you or sungjae both had the energy to cook for dinner. So you guys decided to have dinner outside the company and also wanted to relax for some time and take a break from the workloads. You both went to your favorite restaurant and relaxed for a bit. You had your dinner and then went to the nearby park to get some refreshment. Thus this is how you ended your day peacefully.

Present night at the secret place:

Person1 said, “good evening Boss,” addressing to someone. “Good evening, where’s Lini?” H2(an unknown person) asked. “She’s waiting for you at the office,” person2 said. “let’s go,” M2 (another unknown person) said. (So basically 2 unknown person visited the secret place named M2 and H2) “lini” the unknown person called her while entering the room. “You came!” lini said and hugged H2. “How are you?” lini asked M2. “good, and you?” M2 asked. “I’m good,” lini said. “Where’s the cat?” H2 asked. “just a minute,” lini said and went to bring the cat they received this morning. After a while she came with the cat which was quite cute. “are you serious?” M2 said. “What?” both H2 and lini asked. “don’t tell me they sent this cute cat. Just look at its eyes. Awwweeyy,” M2 said while taking the cat in his hand. “it’s from them,” H2 said.  “how are you so sure?” lini asked H2. “look at the feet of the cat. It has their mark,” h2 said pointing one of her finger towards the cat’s feet. Then both M2 and lini looked at the feet and found a sign that’s very known to them. “DAEBAK,” lini said. “we couldn’t figure it out exactly who sent it till now. And you!!(she clapped) you’re the BEST,” lini said while side hugging H2. H2 tapped her shoulder and said, “let’s get back to work.” Then they worked all together for the night to figure out the meaning of this cat. They couldn’t figure out as it was an exceptional one to think of the real meaning of it.

Hi beautifuls.😌 Hope y'all are doing great. I'm back after a long time. Sorry for making you all wait as I was busy with my vacations and all. From now on I'll be regular. Do support every writers with your valuable comments and ideas.
Stay safe🖤 ohh and yesss...keep streaming arson /jack in the box by our hottest hobi😌💥

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