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Jin understood that he can't win against you so he jus went away saying ,"Ok. Wait here till I come back and if anyone approach you, don't talk to them! You have no idea of these types of places and persons as well!" You gave him a WTH look and before you could protest he went away.

You sat on the couch. There were not much people there. Actually not much there were no people at all. Only the bartender was serving and making juices and you were all alone sitting in the couch. 

You felt something missing and then you realized you didn't have your glasses with you. Then all of a sudden the moments flashed again and you remembered how Jin took your glasses and kept it to him.

You're indulged in your thoughts when someone interrupted by saying, "How come such a pretty lady is sitting here all alone?" An unknown person said. He's not more than 26/27 you understood by his looks. He's definitely good looking but not good at character you understood. Who the hell approaches women by saying that??? You thought. He ain't definitely not a good one.

You ignored him and began to look at the other side. He then said, "Are you waiting for someone Beautiful?"
Eww…the beautiful word cringed you a lot.
You being annoyed replied,"What do you want?"
"Ayy, being straight forward! I love it! You're so freaking hot! If I say I want you?" He said looking through your eyes. You didn't feel good when he said these.
So you just avoided it and said, "Please excuse me. I've more important works to do than standing here and listen to your bloody filthy nasty approaches!" You said and turned to go out. But he held you by your wrist and said,"Come on, just a dance and then you can go!"
"LEAVE MY HAND!" You said and tried to free yourself but his grip was getting stronger.
"I said, LEAVE," you said again but this time he began to come closer. 

He was a few inches away from you when a familiar voice aroused, " LEAVE HER!!" You look behind and saw Jin standing there. You don't know why but you felt relief after seeing him.
"Oh Hi Jin. See we got a beautiful lady here and I was asking her for a dance!" The man said to Jin as if a moment ago he did nothing.

What he actually did is made you feel uncomfortable in that situation and now acting like a sage.
Guts he got! You thought.

"She can't dance with YOU!" Jin said.
"Why?" The man asked while laughing.
"It's be…" you're about to say that you can't dance as you don't know how to do it but then Jin said all of a sudden, "Because she's MY dancing partner. She came here with me." He said and came towards you.
"Oh.. I see!" The man said.
"I missed the opportunity to dance with you beautiful," the man said and winked.
"I think we shall go!" Jin said. And then and there he intertwined his hands with yours and took you from that place to the main section. You kept following him from behind. Both of your hands locked with each other and those feelings aroused again. The magical ones, the inexplicable ones, the soothing ones! You thought. But there was another feeling today you felt a demanding one! You felt Jin holding your hands in a quite demandable tone. Strongly yet softly not to hurt you ofcourse. And that was where you realized the demandable feeling arousing. 

You felt something you can't describe. Let's just say you felt "SAFE" after the incident happened a minute ago.

You both went in and you're introduced to one of his friends. He was cool and he also shared that he's going to propose his girlfriend today. You stood there and listen to every thing he was saying to Jin. After a while the friend of Jin proposed to the love of his life and she looked so happy. Everyone began to dance as music started playing. You and Jin stood there and saw many of the couples dancing. Jin's friend came all of a sudden and told Jin to dance. But he was denying it by saying he's not in a mood. But his friend forced him so he had no other option. Then his friend told you to dance along with Jin. You told him that you can't dance as you don't know how to do it. But he was forcing a lot at that's when Jin forwarded his hand. You were hesitating whether to hold it or not. But seeing no other option you held his hand.
There it sparkeld again. The feeling you want to ignore. The spark you dont want to feel to be aroused.
Not only for you but also for him. You said to him, " I don't know how to dance?"
"Just follow my steps," Jin said.

Hellow my beautiful readers.🤗
I know today was a hard day for us.
But it's ok right. We're here together forever in this Borahae💜 world.
Let's just pray for Him to be safe and come back soon.✨
I love you all and I love him.❤️
Let's be positive and together forever.♥️🌿

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