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“Bunny??” you called him up but no reply. “BUNNY!!” you called him loud. “HAEYEON!!!!ARE YOU SERIOUS????” he exclaimed with joy and shouted almost. “YAAH… I'm sitting here na? why are you shouting?” you told him. “How?? I mean really!!!!!!HOWW????” his words trailed off. “Speak up jungkook! how what?” you asked. “how did you write these lyrics?” jungkook asked. “Of course, with my hand!” you said and laughed. “Haeyeon, I’m not joking! I mean how did you write such good lyrics in just a few minutes??” its so perfect!!” jungkook said happily but yet shocked. “It just came to my mind after reading the previous lyrics,” you said. “ you have this hidden talent too??” jungkook said while smirking. “What hidden talent? Its not like how you’re thinking. It just popped up. And please show it to the lyricist if its ok or not!!” you said. “Its hella okk beautiful,” jungkook said and hugged you. “Thankyouuuu sooo much. You don’t know how much I was struggling for the words to put them in order to look beautiful. You did that in a minute,” he said while hugging you. “Its ok bunny,” you said and tapped his back. When he realized that he was hugging you all of a sudden he went back to his actual position. “ sorry,” he said. “It’s ok bun,” you replied with a smile. “It’s very late jungkook. I think you should go and sleep now,” you said. “yess, come!” he said and got up. “what!” you asked. “Well, it’s very late for you too. So you should also go and sleep,” jungkook said. “umm. I’ll have an important phone call. You go. I’ll just come back after finishing the call,” you said. “Ok, good night!” jungkook wished and was about to go but then you called him , “Jungkook, I ‘ve a request. If the lyricist, ask about the lyrics please don’t tell that I wrote those.” “But why?” jungkook asked. “No reason. Just please don’t mention! It’s a request!” you said. “Ok..Ok pretty I won’t,” he said. “Yaa, stop with those nicknames,” you annoyingly said. “Well, I won’t,” he said and winked and went away running. “This kiddo!” you sighed. 

You got a call and talked for an hour and then left the terrace. 

After some days at the secret place: 

H2: We’ve to focus on every single thing related to them addressing to some people. Understood Lini?

Lini: yes Boss. We barely had the idea that they would come up with such common thing! I mean how can they address yoongi as cat?

M2: Well army’s did that!

Lini and H2 shocked after hearing this..

H2: that means we must do the whole research regarding their entire fandom.

Lini: well that’s a big thing to do!!

Lini said exhaustingly.

H2: we have to do this in order to complete our mission as well as to save them! We can’t make any mistake like the previous time. Confirming and finding out things at the very last moment!!

M2: But you did save him.

H2: that’s not saving! We must be more alert from the next time. Is everyone clear?

M2 and lini nodded their head.

H2: we shall start from today. We’ve to collect the information related to army’s. Lini send me the information making pdf's of all of them individually. Ok??

Lini: Ok.

M2: Let’s go, its already 12.

H2 and M2 both got up to leave and then Lini said, “Take care both of you.”

“we will,” H2 said.

After some days-

Things were going normal as usual. Nothing serious happened in between these days. The boys almost forgot the incident of Yoongi because they were busy for their upcoming schedule of concerts and comebacks. You and Sungjae were almost swamped with works. The day of the concert came and you were checking on every single arrangement of them. Meanwhile the stylist who was about to come for Namjoon got sick all of a sudden. So there were lacking of stylist and everyone was getting ready on the backstage. There were a lot of crowd of course of the army’s as BTS were performing. You and Sungjae were surprised to see the whole stadium but you cannot stand and look at the whole thing all the time as you have to go to work. Sungjae went to look for the arranngements of stage performance and you went to the backstage to see if the boys are ready or not. You went there and saw everybody getting ready. Everybody looked beautiful but there was one who was ethereal in your eyes. He was none other than, KimSeokJin. You didn’t know for how long you were admiring him. All of a sudden jimin called you and then you came back to your world again. “hi Haeyeon, how am I looking?”,jimin asked. “you guys are looking very handsome. Army’s will go nuts after seeing you in this get up,” you said. “Really?”, Taehyung asked. “Yes,” you said. “Haeyeon can you please make namjoon wear this tie?,” one of the staff asked. “Me?” you asked. “Yes, please. I’ve to jungkooks hair,” The staff said. “o…ok,” you said and took the tie from her and went to Namjoon. “hi,” namjoon said. “Hi,” you said., “im sorry you have to do this,” namjoon said. “its totally fine namjoon, come here” you said.  Namjoon came up to you and as he was taller than you tiptoed to him to put the tie. Meanwhile you were having a nice conversation with him as he was a way more extrovert one. You were laughing and talking with each other. The proximity of both of you were close and someone was not liking it.

Hi everyone.💁Hope you all are well.
I'm so sorry for not updating for a long period as I was busy with my classes.😞But yes I promise to end this one soon.🤗 Just be with me.♥️
I love you all 🖤

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