Runaway [rodydeku]

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Content: Deku ran away, he had been in too much stress because of school, hero stuff and home life. His two dads, as a pro hero were always busy and stressed. His brother..let's just say he's not a so talkative person.

He moved straight to America where he met an old friend of his, Rody.

(Cover art isn't mine!)


3rd person pov

"fucking shit!!" yells could be heard from the underground hero's room. He never used to yell or cuss but this time it was different. He just found the letter his own son wrote to him and the rest of the family.

"Sho.. I know you miss him, we all do but yelling won't help us find him faster." his husband, Hisashi tried to calm him down but deep inside he just wanted to do the same thing.

Meanwhile, Izuku was having a great time, his flight just landed in America. He's been here only once, when they had a mission. He didn't only come here to escape, but he also wanted to find his oly friend Rody. Once he promised he'd come back, no matter how the other boy opposed.. Pino said otherwise tho.

He found it really funny, the boy basically can't lie because of his quirk.

As he left the airport, he took his phone to check the time. The digital clock showed exactly 3:56am. He walked to a bus stop, dragging his small suitcase with him.

When he got on the bus he quickly bought a ticket and took a seat, luckily no one was on the bus so it was silent and he could take a nap.

A bit he was still wondering if people recognize him from the..accident two years ago.

He had to change his number and block everyone so there was basically no way out. He exact knew what he wanted and it wasn't the life he lived before.

When the bus arrived to his stop he got off, he was really hoping that Rody didn't move anywhere. That would be really..awkward. Since he lost his number and doesn't have a place to stay at.

He walked to the familiar caravan, the lights were on meaning someone's in there. Hopefully Rody.. He hesitantly knocked on the door as he heard shuffling and muffled noises coming from inside then the door opened, revealing his brown haired friend who he haven't seen in a year or two.

"wha- Izuku?!" his face turned from sleepy to shocked as he was looking at the greenette in front of him. "long time no see eh?" Izuku asked with a small chuckle. "what are you doing here?" Rody asked as ge pulled the smaller boy in a hug.

"I uh- I maybe ran away.." he said nervously. "what the- okay come in let's talk about it." the brunette said with a yawn as he lead Izuku in, closing the door behind them. "where are your siblings?" he asked.

"they're on a holiday at my aunt in France for two weeks. Anything to drink?" Rody asked walking to the kitchen part of the caravan as he poured a glass of water for himself.
"not thank you, I'm good." the greenette said trying to be polite but almost got cut off by a yawn.

"let's lay down first, I'm hella tired and you seem to be too." the taller boy said as he put the glass on the counter and laid down on the bed.

Izuku just nodded his head and laid down beside his friend. "so..what exactly happened..?" he asked. "well I guess I just got tired of it. All the hero stuff and school.. My parents are always stressed because of their hero work and we never talk. My brother..he's not so much of a talkative person. Kacchan kept bullying me and I just had enough." the greenette said while a few tears picked in the corner of his eyes.

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