Cold [Kirikami]

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Content: Denki's parents have been abusive ever since he came out to them, one day they send the boy to school in nothing but his UA uniform which is thin and it's currently winter. Of course he could stay at the dorms at weekend but his parents ordered him home this time, he had tons of chores to do.

What happens if he catches cold and a certain sharky boy takes care of him?

-mention of abuse
-little bit of blood


3rd person pov

It wasn't even 6am on Monday morning but yelling could be heard from the Kaminari house. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THE LAUNDRY YESTERDAY AND IT'S STILL NOT DONE!!" Denki's father yelled as he slapped the poor boy who passed out last night from overworking. He didn't even have a chance to do it.

"lazy piece of shit. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND YOU CAN'T COME HOME UNTIL 5 MONTHS!!" those words made Denki somewhat happy, he didn't have to stay in this hell hole.

He was about to grab his jacket when his father grabbed his collar, opening the front door as he threw Denki on the cold, snow covered floor. He threw the schoolbag at the boy who was about to get up which caused him to fall back from it's weight.

Great.. It's freezing and I'm in nothing but the thin uniform. He thought as he slowly got up, putting the bag on his back and he noticed a blood stain on his uniform right under his knee. Ah.. I probably got a bruise when I fell on the ground since there are ice shatters under the snow. He thought.

Denki started walking to school, trembling. It was really cold and the way to school took him about 15 minutes.

When he arrived to school his fingertips were slightly blue. Nice. I'm a real Elsa lookalike. He thought as he rubbed his hands trying to warm up as he sniffled.

Don't tell me I got cold just from that!! He mentally whined as he took out a tissue from his pocket and blowed his nose as he made his way up to the classroom.

"Jesus Denki you have a jacket right??" Kirishima asked walking up to him. "ah haha I left it at home you know how clumsy I am." Denki said with a nervous laugh. "damn.. I would die in this weather without a- hold up is that blood on your pants?" Kirishima asked pointing at the blood stain as they stopped walking.

"oh yea, I accidentally stepped on a really slippery ice pond and fell." he said. "you should be more careful Denks, you're making me worry. Does it hurt? You should see recovery girl." the sharkboy said. "no need it doesn't hurt at all, I'll wash my clothes at the dorms." Denki said as they walked in the classroom.

Denki pov

God we're not even on the half of first class and I'm feeling so dizzy.. Did I really catch cold? I thought as a cough came out of me right after. Well I guess I got my answer and what can I say, that cough didn't sound so pretty.

"Kaminari are you okay?" Aizawa sensei asked giving me a concerned look. "yeah I'm perfectly f-" I stared but had to cut myself off with a sudden cough attack, it didn't last so long but long enough for me to catch everyone's attention. Just great!

I started to have a little double-vision. Ah fuck not now! What the hell is wrong with me? "Kaminari you're sick please go back to your dorm. I'll certify your absence for today." "alright sensei." I mumbled as I stood up.

From the sudden move black dots started to appear in my vision.

3rd person pov

As the yellow haired boy started to feel more dizzy and had more black dots in his vision he tried to hold onto his table to stay stable but before he could, everything blacked out and he collapsed on the floor with a thump.

A few gasps could be heard from the class. "someone please take him back to the dorms, unfortunately recovery girl is not here today ." Aizawa said as Kirishima immediately shot up from his seat. "I'll do it sensei!" he said as he walked to Kaminari's desk and packed his stuff back in his bag.

"thank you Kirishima I'll certify both of your absence today, please take care of him." Aizawa said. "I will." the red haired boy said picking Denki up with his backpack as he walked out of the classroom.

As he arrived to his own dorm he put Denki down on the bed. He lifted up the bottom of Denki's pants and grabbed a bandage from his desk. He cleaned it with a wet tissue and wrapped it up with the bandage.

Kirishima pov

I put my hand on Denki's forehead and felt that he's really warm. That's not good. I thought as I walked to the bathroom and put a towel under cold water then I went back to kami and put it on his forehead.

I swear this boy.. He's cute and careless just like a child. As I looked a bit closer I noticed something on his cheek.. It's looks like a handprint..did he get slapped? Who the hell would slap him?! That's so unmanly.

I softly caressed his cheek as I was staring at him. I don't want to act like a creep but I can't stop watching him. His adorable face, soft lips and small bunny nose.. I should really confess to him already but I'm scared of rejection.

Denki pov

As I woke up I felt something on my face. As I slowly looked to the side I saw Kiri sitting beside the bed, caressing my cheek right where I received a slap this morning. Kiri..beside me..caressing my cheek..OH MY GOD!! "o-oh in sorry! Are you okay? You're a bit rer.." he said taking his hand off of my cheek.

"I-I'm okay." I said as I sat up. "Is this..your dorm? What am I doing here?" I asked looking around. "yea it's mine, after you collapsed in school I offered that I'll take care of you." he said. How kind.. I thought as I gave him a slight smile.

"I wanted to ask..who slapped you?" he asked. I can tell him right? Most parents do those things anyway so nothing weird about it.. "Oh it was just my dad." I said with a nervous smile. "your dad slapped you?! why would he do that?" Kiri asked seemingly freaked out.

"I passed out last night and I couldn't do the laundry what I was supposed to." I said. "oh my.. Denks that's not normal." he said with a concerned look.

"isn't most parents used to treat their kids like that?" I asked with a sniff. "no it's not.. Did they do anything else that harmed you?" he asked sitting up on the bed next to me and gave me a tissue as I blowed my nose.

"well.. I got thrown out through the door this morning without my jacket. That's how I actually got that bruise on my leg." I said pulling my legs up to my chest.

"so that's why you came without a jacket..and now you got cold because of it." he said as I nodded my head. "do you know why are they like this?" "one year ago I came out to them and well, turned out they're homophobes." I said.

"I'm so sorry about it.." he said as he hugged me which I reciprocated. "Kami this may be not the best timing but I have something to tell you." he said. "go ahead." "well I..I like you more than a friend! It's totally fine if you don't feel the same or don't want to be my friend anymore but I really wanted to let you know.." he said. Oh my god am I dreaming?!

I felt my face heat up, I bet I look like a tomato right now. "I-I like you too.." I said nervously as I felt his arms wrap around me. "I'm so happy!" he said still hugging me. "I-I'm happy too but you will catch my sickness.." I said with a nervous laugh.

"who cares? A simple sickness won't stop me from loving you." he said as a smile slipped on my face.

Kirishima helped Kaminari until his health got better and they went on a date next weekend. They both had their best week of their lives and Denki's parents successfully got arrested.


A/n: *hands being dead by now*

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