The Candies [Tododeku]

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Content: 1A is having a Christmas party in the dormitory and some of them can't control their sweet tooth around the candies.. Well Izuku is one of them too, Todoroki keeps telling him to not eat so much candy because it will ruin his health.

What if Izuku, the person who always takes care of everyone but himself gets sick? Will he admit it? Not a chance.

This is supposed to be a little late Christmas special :')


3rd person pov

"WE HAVE MORE CANDY!!" Kirishima yelled bursting the front door of the dorm's open with a huge bag of candy in his hand. "hell yeah!!" Kaminari yelled from the kitchen right after Kirishima's outburst.

"give me some!!" Izuku yelled from the couch. "babe I think you already had enough, your tummy will hurt really bad tomorrow if you eat more candies." Todoroki said to him. "it won't hurt just from a little more! It's Christmas anyway everyone has a lot of candies and don't get sick from it at all!" Izuku whined as he took the candies what Kirishima handed him.

"I warned you." Todoroki said crossing his arms as Izuku stuffed another 3 candies in his mouth.

Todoroki pov

He looked at me with his cheeks puffed up by the candies he just put in his mouth. I was kinda mad at him for acting like a child but god that look is adorable..

I saw Mina shot up from the couch covering her mouth as she ran towards the restroom. "see? That will happen to you too if you don't stop eating those candies." I said looking at Izu who just whined. "come on I swear I won't get sick!" he said putting another one in his mouth.

God I would be already dead from this much sugar. Well yeah I'm don't have sweet tooth, I never did.

3rd person pov

After 11pm, everyone went up to their dorms after saying their goodnights. Todoroki and Izuku both went into the smaller boy's room, they used to sleep together since they're together.

"gosh I'm so tired.." Izuku said laying down on the bed. "me too, I'm honestly surprised you didn't get sick from so much candy." Todoroki said as he lied down next to next to him.

Soon Todoroki fell asleep, but Izuku was still wide awake. He felt his tummy rumble and his head was hurting.

Izuku pov

What's this? I feel hot and cold at the same time.. Did I really get sick? Nono not a chance! I'm probably just too tired that's all.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach as all of a sudden it started to hurt horribly. Ah crap.. That's not good..

I felt something scratch the back of my throat as a weird taste came in my mouth..

I immediately shot out of bed, making sure I didn't wake Soto up as I ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I kneeled next to the toilet as I felt the warm liquid come up my throat. I watched as my stomach fluids landed in the toilet with a disgusting smell. Ew..

3rd pov

Izuku flushed the toilet as he stood up, trembling as a leaf in the wind. He never felt this weak in his entire life. He washed his face with cold water, trying to keep stable and stop his body from trembling.

His stomach wouldn't stop rumbling and his throat was really sore from the vomit, he felt like he could just hurl out his guts anytime.

He took his hoodie off, he felt really hot and cold at the same time but he decided to take it off since it smelled from vomit anyway.

He limped out of the bathroom to see Todoroki still sleeping on the bed as Izuku sighed in relief. He didn't want to wake his boyfriend up, he also didn't want to make him worry.


Izuku was lying in bed staring at the ceiling just like he did whole night. He couldn't sleep from the pain in his stomach and he felt like he will vomit if he moves a single muscle of his body.

Todoroki slowly opened his eyes with a groan as he looked over Izuku noticing his pale face and dark circles under his eyes.

"Izu.. babe are you okay?" Todoroki asked in his groggy morning voice as Izuku just nodded his head which made a small burp come out of his mouth. "gomen.." he said politely. "are you feeling sick?" Todoroki asked. "n-no I'm perfectly fine." Izuku said, fighting with all his power to keep his stomach acid down.

"if you say so. Then let's head to eat breakfast shall we?" Todoroki asked getting up. That was the last thing Izuku wanted to hear. Food. He could barely swallow water without it coming back and now he's supposed to eat?!

"are you gonna get up?" Todoroki asked, taking his hoodie on as he walked in the bathroom. Izuku sighed. Come on, now or never. He thought as he got out of bed with a sudden move which caused him to get dizzy. Black dots stared to appear in his vision as he tried to grab onto something to stay stable but failed.

He collapsed on the floor with a loud thud which caught Todoroki's attention. He peeked his head out of the bathroom and saw Izuku laying on the floor conscious, but unable to move.

He rushed over him and picked him up as he held him close. "Izu are you okay? Do you want me to take you to recovery girl?" Todoroki asked. "n-no I'm perfectly fin-" Izuku started but cut himself off with a small burp. Todoroki knew what was about to happen and took Izuku in the bathroom putting him down next to the toilet.

After the third row of vomiting happened tears escaped Izuku's eyes. The fluid was mixed with pink and blue colors which explained the reason of hus sickness. "S-sho.." he stuttered out as tears were flooding from his eyes uncontrollably. "it's okay you're fine.. The sooner you let it all out the sooner you will get better." Todoroki said pulling Izuku on his lap who fell asleep in 5 minutes.

Todoroki had mixed emotions, he was happy that Izuku was finally asleep and felt a little better but at the same time he was mad because Izuku's childish actions caused him to be so sick.

Izuku got a lot better in two days and was able to eat and move properly. He promised to himself that he'll never ever eat candies again, mostly because he didn't want to get sick again but also because Todoroki wouldn't let him anyway.


A/n: okay this was really short but I'm tired :'D

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