Letter from General O'Colonell

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Project: Renegade was a secretive government initiative to create clones to protect humanity from threats. The scientists behind the project were surprised at the clones' immense power and potential for destruction, and chose to test their abilities by sending them into battle against enemies of the planet. But when the first wave of clones failed to return, the government assumed they had been killed and began preparations for war. Little did they know, the clones had not only survived but thrived, becoming a powerful army that continued to grow with each new batch of clones created.

The clones, dubbed "Renegades," were unlike any human scientists had ever seen before. They were faster, stronger, and more resilient, withstanding torture and displaying a loyalty to one another that was almost animalistic. They fought alongside rebel forces, opposing slavery and contributing to the downfall of the Separatists. But as the conflict came to a close, the Republic of Nalu, fearing the clones' power, sought to keep them hidden away in labs, erasing their memories and altering their personalities to keep them from being discovered.

Despite these efforts, the truth behind the Renegades was eventually uncovered during the Clone Wars, revealing them to be a unique blend of DNA, genes, and cybernetic implants. Their creation was still shrouded in mystery, but it was clear they were not human and had been created for a specific purpose, perhaps as the ultimate weapon in a never-ending battle.

Project: Renegade had a specific goal in mind when creating their army of clones: to protect humanity and reduce crime on Earth by helping human rights advocates fight against evil. The cloning process was an intricate one, involving extensive testing and examination of each clone's capabilities in performing various tasks such as cleaning, cooking, gardening, and hunting.

To ensure the clones were as intelligent as their human counterparts, researchers implanted special chips that allowed them to be programmed like any normal human being. These chips granted the clones access to memory banks, enabling them to read and understand multiple languages such as English and Japanese.

While these abilities were useful, they were not enough for the clones to act solely as soldiers or generals in battle. Instead, the implants gave them the ability to adapt and evolve, becoming superior leaders and soldiers in their own right. Each clone was able to excel in certain areas and take on certain missions, becoming the ultimate weapon in the fight to protect humanity.

Project: Renegade had devised a new method for determining the age of their clones, one that would measure them based on the oldest clone, born two years after the first batch of clones were created in the lab, four hundred and fifty-seven years ago. This was a critical aspect in the selection process, as each scientist was given just one year to choose their favorite clone, who would then become the next generation of clones in the lab.

After the thirty thousand clones were created, the chosen scientist would have three days to decide which one they wanted to continue working with. If the chosen clone did not reciprocate the choice or if the choice seemed wrong, the scientist would have to undergo psychological evaluations and possibly be terminated from the organization. Some may choose to stay, either out of spite or fear.

The process of creating the perfect clone was intense and exacting, with each clone undergoing intense scrutiny and examination. In the end, only ten were deemed suitable with the rest being rejected due to high risk factors. The nine remaining clones were placed in cryosleep and held in suspended animation until they were needed again, which could be up to six years later.

━━━━━━━༺۵༻━━━━━━━12 Jan 2014

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