The Showdown and Aftermath

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The rebellion's final mission began with a bustling energy as they gathered in a dimly lit warehouse, strategizing and preparing for the risky operation. Rine, a skilled hacker and member of the rebellion, nervously fiddled with her equipment as she listened intently to the plan.

"Alright team, it's time to put months of planning into action," the leader of the rebellion announced. "Rine, you'll be infiltrating the government's headquarters and retrieving the evidence we need to expose the truth."

Rine swallowed hard, her heart pounding as she made her way towards the government's headquarters. She used her powers to slip past security undetected and make her way to the files that held the incriminating evidence. Rine's fingers flew over the keyboard as she copied the files and quickly made her escape.

"You're going to need more than just your powers if you want to get close enough," an unfamiliar voice spoke up, startling Rine so much that she dropped the USB drive onto the floor. Her eyes snapped up to meet the person who had spoken.

Standing in front of Rine was the girl she had saved from the fire. Though the blonde was covered head to toe in dirt from working all night, there wasn't a single mark on her beautiful face or clothing. It was like she had never even been hurt.

Rine looked away, her cheeks burning. 'What am I supposed to say?' she wondered, silently cursing herself as she picked the flashdrive up off the ground.

"I'm not going to ask why you didn't run away while you had the chance," said the blonde, giving Rine a small smile and helping her pick up her things. "Let me help you with that, okay?"

Ava took the usb drive that contained the evidence and plugged it back into her computer. It popped open and the screen filled with information. "So how exactly do we get to the office of the President, Mr. Reyes?" asked Rine, hoping it would come to her naturally. Her hopes were dashed when her boss' secretary walked in with a look of disapproval on her face.

"Miss Rine, I told you not to return yet," she scolded.

Rine's shoulders sagged slightly as she gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry Mrs. Miller," she mumbled, looking downcast.

Mrs. Miller sighed and shook her head slightly. She turned around and began typing. "Just take the elevator," she called back to Rine, still busy typing away on her computer.

She took the lift up and rode it until it reached the top floor of the building and then headed toward the elevator bank. When she arrived she pushed the button for the top level and waited patiently as the elevator dinged and opened.

She walked through the door, taking note of the various offices around her, some with people already inside, some empty, and some with people still leaving. As soon as the doors closed and the lift began to descend, Rine's anxiety increased tenfold. She knew what this meeting was going to involve. This was probably the last interaction she would ever have with her boss after tonight's eventful events. After today, she might never see him again.

A few minutes later, the elevator came to a stop and the doors slowly opened, revealing several men waiting outside, holding guns and standing at attention. Each stood perfectly at attention, ready to act in a moment's notice should something happen. Rine swallowed and walked out of the elevator with as much composure as she could muster as she approached Mr. Reyes' office.

"Please enter," commanded the bald man in the suit as he stepped aside and gestured to the entrance to his office.

Rine entered cautiously, trying not to stare at the numerous paintings covering every inch of wall, desk, and couch in the room. There were even pictures hanging on the walls, showing scenes of family reunions, happy birthday parties, graduation ceremonies and the likes. And all of them showed her father as well, standing tall and proudly next to someone who was dressed in a very fancy suit.

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