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The clones, once treated as second-class citizens, now have a chance to live as equals among their peers. But Rine knows there is still much work to be done. "We've come a long way," she says to her comrades. "But there's still a long road ahead. We must continue to strive for change, to fight for what is right." And with determination, hard work, and leadership like Rine's, it is possible to bring about a better world for all. "We cannot let our victories be our end reach," Rine continues. "We must inspire others to take the lead and make a difference, just as we have."

"That's true!" one of the men responds. "And besides, I'd like to meet some clones that aren't scared of me or think I'm stupid. If you know what I mean."

"I see your point," another says. "But don't expect too much. These guys have been through rough times. All they want to do is go home."

"Well, at least we can say we tried," someone else comments, laughing.

One of the women looks around at them and asks them something. "So who's next?"

As if on cue, the sound of a helicopter comes from the skies above them. It lands near one of the buildings, disgorging passengers who disembark onto the ground. Rine and her companions look on, curious as the strangers file in. Among them is a tall, well dressed man with jet black hair and dark eyes. He approaches them with confident steps and a wide grin, shaking hands with everyone. He introduces himself as Mark Zavala and says he is part of the new alliance which is taking place. Then he turns to face Rine and gives her a big smile. "Good to see you again," he greets her warmly, extending his hand to shake hers. "You're looking very lovely today."

This is when Rine sees him for the first time. For an instant, she forgets her training and lets her guard down. But this moment of carelessness is quickly overcome by her reflexes and she returns his handshake. "Thank you," she replies softly, giving him a polite nod, trying to conceal her shock and surprise. "It's nice meeting you too."

Her mind is racing, trying to figure out why this man seems so familiar.

Zavala notices this and smiles, noticing how distracted Rine is. "Are you alright?" he asks kindly. "Your hand is shaking."

Rine immediately snaps into focus, forcing herself to regain control of her emotions. This guy doesn't seem like someone to mess with; especially considering she was the one who attacked him earlier. Not only does he appear completely unperturbed, he also appears completely unconcerned and unaffected by her aggression. It doesn't make any sense...

Zavala's words snap her back into reality. "Yes," she answers shortly. "Just thinking."

There's no way I would forget that face... It's definitely Mark Zavala! And he must've known I was going to attack him earlier and he's here to talk it out....

"Well if you don't mind my asking," he continues. "How are you feeling? You didn't look too happy when you came into camp."

This makes Rine frown. "I've had better days," she says dryly. "But you're right. I feel like a rap. And I'm pretty sure I've got a black eye coming. But I guess I'll have more fun after some sleep and food."

Zavala chuckles. "Don't wor It's not over yet. And I assure you, the day will get better for us all."

Then Rine sees General James Vess approaching. He's wearing traditional clothes, and he walks with a noticeable limp. He is accompanied by Commander Daniel Vasquez and his wife, Anna, who are also wearing similar clothing. They're smiling and waving to the rebels, who greet them enthusiastically. Vasquez, Anna, and Vess exchange greetings with the other clone leaders before moving to the center of the group. Rine and her companions introduce themselves, and everyone agrees that things could certainly have turned out worse. The rebel army is still weak, outnumbered, and struggling to gain its footing against the Omnics. There's still hope.

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