The Rise of Anti-Clone Sentiment

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The city was filled with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but for Rine and the other clones, the peace was short-lived. The government and some groups within society started to push back against the newfound rights and acceptance of the clones. They feared that the clones would become a threat to their own power and status, and they worked to undermine their rights.

Rine couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she walked through the streets. Everywhere she looked, she saw anti-clone propaganda depicting the clones as dangerous and a threat to society. She knew that this was far from the truth, but the message was starting to take hold in the minds of many.

"We have to fight this," Rine thought to herself. "We can't let them take away our rights."

She made her way to the rebellion's headquarters, where they were working to counter the propaganda and disinformation being spread by the government. They were holding rallies and public speaking events to raise awareness about the reality of the clones and their rights.

At the rally, she was standing next to Ruby, whose eyes were glued to a screen where the leaders of the movement was giving speeches. After a few seconds of listening to them speak, Rine glanced across at one of the screens and noticed someone she recognised among the crowd. She recognized him immediately because of his dark hair, bright green eyes, sharp features and lean body. It was Adam.

"Hey! Adam!" she called out loudly to him, gaining everyone's attention. "Can you help me?"

He turned towards her, surprise etched onto his face when he spotted her. He stepped forward to greet her, but a young girl standing behind him held up her hand.

"Adam, wait! I need my picture taken together with her," the girl said, her tone stern, clearly indicating that she wanted the picture taken.

Adam rolled his eyes in frustration, before glancing apologetically at Rine and saying , "I'm really sorry, but we have another event we must attend to. Can I call you later?"

Rine nodded. He smiled gratefully at her before leaving with the girl, who appeared to be much older than he, probably around 14 years old. She had brown curly hair and light hazel eyes that were staring intently at her. Her outfit was a simple pair of jeans and a turtleneck, while her black boots reached halfway up her shin. She wasn't wearing anything underneath, which showed just how slim and athletic her body was; she was a well toned woman.

Rine watched them leave, trying to keep her composure, before turning to Ruby. "Do I know her? Is she one of the other students?"

Ruby shook her head, smiling sympathetically.

"No, she's just one of the younger girls I introduced you to yesterday; she's only 17."

"Oh. Okay. So why did you call her 'she' instead of 'he'. Isn't there a rule in place for that? I mean, I know there should be one, but she looked so masculine and strong."

Ruby chuckled. "Yeah, the rules are very strict about gender boundaries in our schools. You've probably heard about all the protests about gender limits during your time here. Well, that's what happens when you teach a bunch of kids how to be sexist and misogynistic."

Rine raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Really? What's the story?"

"Well, it started with this little boy named James who tried to show how tough he is by challenging one of the other boys to a fight. That didn't end well. In fact, a couple days later, James was suspended after he attacked one of the boys in front of the school. The teachers found him hiding behind the tree and beating the hell out of him."

Rine gasped. "What?! Why didn't anyone tell me? This isn't right!"

"It was only the start of it though," Ruby continued. "Soon other boys came to pick on James, too, and that got worse. By now, the entire school knew that James deserved everything that happened to him."

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