Government Control and Experimentation

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Rine watches in horror as she sneaks into the government's secret laboratory, hidden deep within the factory where the clones are kept. She sees firsthand the cruel experiments being conducted on the innocent clones, their bodies wracked with pain as they are injected with the serum. She overhears government officials discussing their plans to use the enhanced clones for military operations and as replacement bodies for the wealthy.

Her stomach churns sickeningly as she thinks about what the scientists are planning to use the clones as, and how they can best help the slaves they've brought into the facility.

"Get the hell out of my way!" She roars as she storms past them, taking in everything at once, including the horrifying scene happening inside the chamber. It's dark and dingy inside, and all the machinery around is covered in blood and gore.

It doesn't take long to find Jack, and in the end she manages to knock him unconscious with a well-placed punch. She's careful not to wake any of the other soldiers sleeping nearby, though they might need assistance if they wake up during the battle and realize what just transpired.

She kneels next to Jack and tries to pry open his eyelids with her hands - they aren't quite working right. "Please...please wake up. I need you. You have to wake up!"

He groans softly. "Mmgh..hey, Rine. What's going on?"

"Shh..." she replies in a hushed voice. "We must leave this place immediately before they discover we escaped."

"What about those soldiers?" He asks as he struggles weakly to get up. He looks around wildly, but he doesn't see anyone.

"They're asleep. Now come on. Let's get out of here and never look back!"

As they run from the room, they pass by several guards patrolling in the corridor outside. Rine stops suddenly and grabs Jack's arm. "Hide!"

Jack ducks behind one of the steel support beams and Rine crouches down beside him. There's a loud crash coming from somewhere nearby and the guards are heading toward where they were. "Stay calm," she says to Jack, her face set in an expression of determination. "I won't let them hurt us."

Before Jack can reply, one of the guards spots them hiding. He yells out to the others and they come running in search of them. Rine holds her breath until she hears footsteps passing close by. Then, she stands up and runs straight into the arms of the guard. He's caught completely off guard, and when he falls backward, they both hit the floor in a tumble.

Jack springs into action, grabbing a gun from one of the fallen guards, pointing it in their direction. "Don't move!" He shouts. Rine jumps to her feet and draws a knife. "Let me see your weapons!"

"You won't shoot me," she responds in a defiant tone. The man standing in front of her is tall, blonde, and dressed in black combat clothes. There's a scar across one eye, and his cheek is marked with white markings as well. His face and his body are covered in tattoos. He points a finger at her threateningly.

"That's where you're wrong, girl," he snarls.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Rine demands.

The guard holding the gun to Rine's head moves it away and laughs. "Didn't the boss tell you to stop asking questions, girl? If you try any funny business, you'll regret it."

A gunshot rings out behind them and the guard cries out in pain and surprise before falling onto the ground at Rine's feet. Jack turns and raises his gun towards the second guard who is aiming a tranquilizer rifle at Rine's neck.

"Drop it," Jack calls, his eyes never leaving the guard, who is clutching his arm. "Now!"

The guard pulls the trigger, causing Rine to gasp in shock. The bullet flies through the air harmlessly inches away from her ear. "Damn it," she growls, shaking her head slightly to clear it.

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