Birth of a Clone

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Rine's eyes fluttered open as the sound of beeping monitors filled her ears. She was lying on a cold metal table in a sterile room, surrounded by white-coated scientists.

"Welcome to the world, Rine," said a voice above her. She turned her head to see a man with piercing blue eyes and a smug smile. "I'm Dr. Larson, and I'm one of the scientists who created you."

Rine's mind was a blur of confusion. Created her? What did he mean?

Dr. Larson must have noticed the look of confusion on her face, because he chuckled and patted her hand. "Don't worry, it's all perfectly normal. You see, Rine, you are a clone. You were created in this laboratory using advanced genetic engineering techniques."

Rine's head was spinning. She couldn't wrap her psyche around what he was saying. She was a clone? That meant she wasn't a real person, like the scientists. She was an experiment, a tool.

Dr. Larson must have sensed her distress, because he continued on in a softer tone. "I recognize this is a lot to take in, but you should be proud. You are the culmination of years of research and hard work. You are a perfect specimen, with superior strength and intelligence. You're going to be veritably precious to us."

Rine's eyes welled up with tears as the reality of her situation hit her. She was nothing more than a product, a commodity to be used and discarded at the scientists' convenience. She couldn't bear the thought of spending the rest of her life as a laborer, a servant to the humans who had created her.

But before she could even process her emotions, the scientists were already discussing her next steps. "We have a buyer for her already," said one of the scientists. "She's going to be sent to the labor factory. They'll put her to work assembling parts for the advanced technology that's in high demand across the city."

And just like that, Rine's fate was sealed. She was loaded onto a transport and shipped off to the factory, where she would spend the rest of her days toiling away in obscurity.

But little did the scientists know, the new batch of clones they had created would soon cause problems that they could never have anticipated. The clones began exhibiting strange and dangerous powers, powers that would change the course of Rine's life forever.

As Rine settled into her new life at the factory, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was an undercurrent of unease that seemed to permeate the air. And then, one day, she overheard a conversation that would change everything.

"Hey Rine, did you hear about the new flock of clones that came in yesterday?" said a clone named Jack, who worked at the platform next to hers.

Rine shook her head. "No, what do you mean?" she asked.

Jack leaned in closer, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. "I heard they're different. They're supposed to be more advanced, with powers or something. They're being kept in the restricted section."

Rine's eyes widened. "Powers? What kind of powers?"

Jack shrugged. "I don't know, but I heard they're causing some problems. The scientists are having a hard time controlling them."

Rine couldn't believe what she was hearing. Clones were never supposed to have powers or abilities. They were created to serve and obey, nothing more. But the idea of something different, something special, was tantalizing.

Her curiosity peaked at this new development. Who knew what else could happen?

A few weeks passed by and the lab workers had come up with several names for the new clones. Some called them 'robot hybrids', while others referred to them as 'robots'. Either way, they all shared the same core trait – their appearance didn't change much except for their body size and build. This led them to call them the clones. Their faces remained the same too, with the exception that Rine's eyes became slightly longer in length as they grew.

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