-Chapter 16: Break This Down-

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I stand below the balcony, watching as Ben and Mal wave and laugh from above. The dresses that Evie made are fabulous and she looks amazing.

"Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen." Ben says, facing Mal with a smile. He turns back to us, grinning. "So... raise your glasses to our future Queen of Auradon." He says.

I raise my glass, grinning at my sister as we all cheer. "To our Queen of Auradon!"

Carlos steps forward, bowing dramatically. "Speech, your Special-ness!" He says. Jay does the same, grinning widely. "Speech, your fancy-one!" He says. I laugh at their antics, rolling my eyes. Mal laughs too, stepping forward to make a speech before she catches my eye. She smiles at me, winking. "I know this is a celebration for Ben and I. I love him with all my heart, and can't wait to be his Queen....but today is also a day to celebrate someone else. Another Queen." She says before gesturing me up. I let go of Evie's hand and walk up, reaching Mal. "Y/N, the Queen of the Isle. You're gonna get a castle soon." She says, making everyone laugh.

Ben nods, smiling. "I created this title as a way to unite the Isle and Auradon better. To have someone who understands both values to be in change, to help take lead..." He says, turning and revealing the crown made for me. "So as well as my engagement, I am here to crown Y/N officially, with this specially made crown." He says before nodding at Fairy Godmother who walks up.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of the Isle, and help rule alongside the king, with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" SHe asks me as I kneel in front of her. "I solemnly swear..." I say, seeing Mal grin from behind the fairy. "Then it is my honour and my joy to bless you, Y/N, as our new Queen of the Isle." She says, tapping my shoulders with her wand before taking the crown from Ben, turning and placing it on my head.

The crown is heavier than I thought....

I stand, turning to look over everyone as they cheer. I catch Evie's eye and see her well up in tears, but she tries to blink them away so she doesn't ruin her makeup.

"Speech, your wicked-ness!"

"Speech, oh royal one!"

I laugh, looking down at everyone before looking at Mal who nods at me. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. Here we go.

"I can't..." I say.

Everyone around us, Including Carlos, Jay and Evie gasp. "I can't be Queen of the Isle..." I trail off as Ben takes my arm. "Y/N..." He says, but I turn away to face the crowd again. "How am I a Queen, if all my people are living under a barrier? Living life as if they're in prison..." I continue.

Mal steps up, even though Ben gives her a 'huh?' look. "We made a decision...to close the barrier forever..." She starts before shaking her head. "Y/N didn't know about it. It was my idea....but it's wrong." She continues. "I've learned that you can't live in fear....because it doesn't actually protect you from anything." She continues. "I lied to Y/N and my family. And it was out of fear. But it didn't achieve anything."

I chuckle, nodding. "You never know where the bad is gonna come from...and you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either." I say, looking over everyone. "Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone....." I start, even though some gasp. "And without Hades....my father..." I say, confirming the rumour. "Audrey would be gone." I finish, looking at the girl who nods sadly. "We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from." I say, earning many nods.

"That's why we have these roles. Queen of Auradon and Queen of the Isle. I can't live like this if my people, the people I'm supposed to protect, are being trapped under a magical shield as if they're evil." I say before turning to Ben and Mal.

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