-Chapter 9: Sleeping Spell-

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I ran to Evie's place, hoping Ben was there. This whole thing is a mess. The only good thing that came out of it was that Uma and Mal seem to actually not completely hate each other.

I make my way to the front door of the oddly quiet house. I extract my keys from my back pocket and unlock the door, the creaking of the hinges seem to be the only sound for miles. "Hello?" I call out, hoping to hear a reply. "Dizzy? Squirmy? Squeaky?" I ask to be met with an empty house. "Ben?" I try. Maybe the king was here to find us? No sound again. I sigh, closing the door behind me as I walk into the kitchen. Jane's cake is still on the table, one piece missing just like before. The basket on the table as well, packed and ready to be taken. I walk into the dining room, then the living room. That's when I spot three figures on the couch.

"No, no, no." I mutter as I shake Dizzy, to no avail. She's fast asleep, just like the rest of Auradon. I head upstairs, seeing our rooms as we left it before heading to the backyard. "Ben?" I try again. No sound is heard. I go back into the house, sighing as I look around at the sad and empty place. "Now I have to wait for two hours...." I mumble, groaning.

I hear a thud from Evie's designing room and turn to face the doors. "Ben? Doug?" I wonder, slowly stepping closer to the room. "If that's you, it's just me, Y/N." I add, opening the door. I see no one. Only the back door to the room being wide open as if someone had entered or left from it. I walk to it, peering outside before shutting the doors and locking it.

"The Queen of the Isle!" I hear a voice say from behind me. I know that voice...and it's not good. I spin around to be met with a smirking Audrey. My mother's sceptre glowing in her hand. "Audrey." I say. She grins, stepping closer. "Seems like my little curse on Mal didn't work. Pity. She looked better like that." She says, chuckling evilly. "What do you want?" I ask, keeping my distance. Uma has the ember, meaning I can't fight Audrey. My powers won't be able to go against hers. "Oh, nothing. Just for you, your sister, and your petty VK crew to feel the pain I felt." She growls.

"Audrey. We didn't mean for that to happen. People can just fall out of love!" I say, stumbling as I trip over a fallen stool. "If it wasn't for your little love spell, Ben wouldn't have done anything. We both know he's too nice and soft to actually break up or deny someone." She mutters, stepping forward. "Oh, and by the way, love the new additions to your little gang. I should have known Uma would be part of it." She adds, smirking as I tilt my head in confusion. What is she on about?

"What? Didn't the two of you date?" She asks innocently. "What does this have to do with anything?" I ask, confused. "Nothing, nothing....I was just wondering...." She starts as the sceptre begins to thrum with power. "Do you think Evie is your true love...? Or is it Uma...?" She says, smirking. "You two have been getting close again." She adds. "How would your little princess feel if she kisses you, only for it not to work?" She says, cackling. "Or worse! Uma kisses you...and you wake up."

"Audrey, what are yo-"

"And how far your gang will fall apart when they see that the one person holding the two sides together, isn't there anymore." She goes on. "Evie would do it. Come on, do you really think that low of us?" I ask. "Not if she's heartbroken." The evil princess says before swirling the sceptre. "Oh this'll be fun....and I'll be watching it all." She says before pointing the staff at me. I duck out of the way, the spell hitting the table I hid behind. "Stay. Still!" She shouts, missing again, and again, and again.

"Shut the doors and lock them tight. Don't open until tonight." I mutter, making the doors shut. Audrey shrieks as they do and she growls. "You forget....your majesty..." She says, smirking. "The sceptre is more powerful than your magic." She says before using it to expel smoke into the room. "Goodnight, Y/N! Evil dreams...." She says before disappearing into smoke. I see the smoke fill the room and immediately stand, looking around. "Open up and do it quick, open up without a kick." I say, undoing my spell. But instead, a green glow is seen which tells me what I have to know. Audrey spelled it too with my mother's staff.

As the smoke fills my lungs, I sink to the floor, the sleeping smoke taking over my head and making my thoughts hazy. "No.." I mutter, losing strength as I sit there. "E...Evie..." I whisper before I feel my eyes droop, the smoke filling my head and vision as I feel myself drop. Soon....all I see is black.


Evie pov

Mal and I burst into Audrey's room to see Uma on the bed with a book. "She's nowhere on campus." Mal says, looking at Uma. "Found her diary. And dang, did you guys ruin Audrey's life." Uma says, chuckling. "Okay, so did you find anything in there that we don;t already know or...?" Mal tries, scoffing.

"She hangs out at Fairy Cottage. You know, where Flora, Fauna and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom." Uma adds, making me try to stifle a laugh. "Yes. The irony is not lost on me." Mal says, completely monotone. Uma sighs, leaning into the pillows before groaning. "How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?" She asks no one.

I hear Celia from beside me and turn my head. "Okay, how do I look?" She asks, posing with Audrey's jewellery on. I sigh, putting a hand on my hip. "Okay, the bling stays here." I say, pointing at her. She pouts. "But she's bad..." She tries. "And we're not." I say, making her roll her eyes and put the things away. I laugh, watching the girl put the bling away before turning to see Uma now up from the bed. "So nothing else?" I ask. The two girls shake their heads and once Celia finishes putting things away, we leave, heading towards my place instead.

It's oddly peaceful and quiet when we arrive. "Nice digs." Uma says, making me smirk. "I got a really good deal." I reply, walking towards the house. The front door is closed and no sound is heard from inside. "Isn't Y/N supposed to be here?" Uma asks, confused. "Yeah...maybe she's waiting? Or eating? I don't know..." I say, feeling a pit in my stomach as I reach the door to find the front door unlocked. "Okay, that's weird." I say.

I open the door wider and enter, being met with once again, silence. "Y/N?" I call out, hearing no response. "Oookay....maybe she's asleep?" Mal suggests, walking around. I hear a gasp and see Celia in the living room. We walk to her to see Dizzy and the twins fast asleep on the couch. No doubt under the spell. "It's okay. Shh, it's okay. Don't worry, Dizzy. We can fix this." Celia says, putting a blanket on top of the three.

"And once we do, they're gonna let all the kids come from the Isle. So, happy dreams." She says, kissing her forehead. I look at Mal, who frowns. She hasn't said anything about what the Auradonians are saying. Maybe she plans to talk to them? I walk away, seeing the door to my workshop closed. I reach out for the handle and turn it, only for it to be locked. "What?" I mutter to myself before getting my keys and unlocking it. I never lock the workshop...

As I do, a dull smell fills my nose. Something that seems almost familiar....

I let my gaze flit around the room. Along my furniture, the material I have, before it lands on a figure in the corner of the room. "Y/N...?" I say, walking towards her. Her eyes are closed and she is not moving. Light snores being emitted. Maybe she did fall asleep...?

I shake her. "Y/N. We're here." I say. She doesn't respond. "Y/N....? Y/N... Wake up." I say, shaking her harder. At this point, I hear people behind me. "What's going on?" I hear Uma say. I don't care. I ignore her, still shaking my girlfriend. "Y/N, wake up..." I say. She doesn't even stir. Just sit there, asleep. "No, no, no." I say, lifting her and moving her into the centre of the room so the others can see her properly. "She-she isn't waking up." I say, feeling tears well in my eyes. "Wait, hold on. What?" Uma asks, crouching down as well. She tries shaking her, again, nothing.

"That can't be." She mutters, looking around the room. "What?" I ask, feeling my chest constrict slightly. "She was fine just a while ago..." Uma continues. "What?!" I ask again, confused. "Are you not a fast learner?" She asks me, making me even more confused. Mal sighs, tilting her head. "She's emotionally involved. Remember?" Mal says. I furrow my eyebrows. What?

Uma nods, standing. "Evie. I don't know how it happened, and how it happened so fast..." She starts, looking around again. "What is it?" I ask, my mind hazy.

"She's been spelled."

Word Count: 1599

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